Idea List: I’m Going There Someday
May 2000

“Idea List: I’m Going There Someday,” New Era, May 2000, 15

Idea List:

I’m Going There Someday

In the year 2000 alone, some 42 new temples will be dedicated—as many as were built in 112 years, from 1877 to 1989! Although the construction of temples is global, it can also affect you on a personal level: chances are you’ve recently had a temple announced or built closer to your own home. And having a temple closer to you means your opportunities to go there are likely to increase. Whether you’ll be going to the temple to do baptisms for the dead, to be sealed to your family, or to receive your own endowment someday, here are some tips from New Era readers on what you can do now to prepare:

  • To increase your understanding and testimony of temples and temple work, find out what the scriptures have to say about them (see “Temple, House of the Lord”; “Genealogy and Temple Work”; and “Marriage, Celestial” in the Topical Guide; see also “Temple” in the Bible Dictionary).

  • Ask your bishop to discuss with you or your youth group the questions asked in a temple recommend interview and what you can do to be worthy of a recommend.

  • Be ready to enter the temple at all times. If there is anything in your life that would make you unworthy to go to the temple, do “not procrastinate the day of your repentance” (Alma 13:27). Talk with your bishop and let him help you with the repentance process.

  • Put a picture of a temple in your locker or on your mirror to remind you each day to keep your baptismal covenants and to prepare to make further covenants in the temple. Remember that making right choices will prepare you to live with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and your family for eternity.

  • Make spiritual things, such as prayer, family time, and scripture study, a priority in your life.

  • Wear modest clothing. Dressing modestly will help you and others live a worthy life now, and you won’t have to change your whole wardrobe when you receive your temple endowment.

  • Find and submit names of ancestors for ordinance work. Doing temple work for your ancestors will make your temple experience even more exciting and meaningful.

Illustrated by Steve Kropp
