Idea List: Master Your Anger
August 2000

“Idea List: Master Your Anger,” New Era, Aug. 2000, 7

Idea List:

Master Your Anger

“He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city” (Prov. 16:32). Anger is an emotion everyone experiences. Dealing with it in healthy ways is an essential life skill to learn. Here, New Era readers share what they do to master their anger:

Stay cool

  • Remember that no one can control how you feel. You’re in charge of your emotions.

  • When anger strikes, think of a hymn or count to 10 before you act or speak.

  • Pray to calm down and for inspiration on solving problems.

Constructively let off steam

  • Go for a walk or run.

  • Let off steam by tackling tough jobs like cleaning the garage, working in the yard, or scrubbing the bathroom.

  • Get things off your chest and sort out feelings by writing them down. Keep these writings to yourself.

  • Don’t take your anger out on others or willfully disobey Heavenly Father.

Sort out your feelings

  • Figure out exactly what’s bothering you. You may discover you’re channeling your anger to someone or something that isn’t even the real root of the problem.

  • Spend time alone to calm down and think things through. Ask yourself, “Will it matter tomorrow?”

  • When you feel angry, look for a more specific word to describe what you’re experiencing. Do you actually feel hurt? Afraid? Disappointed? If so, deal with your feelings on these specific terms.

Solve the problem positively

  • Look for solutions to problems in the scriptures, the teachings of Church leaders, or the New Era.

  • If you have offended or have been offended by someone, go to that person and considerately talk things out (see 3 Ne. 12:23–24). Don’t give others the silent treatment, say unkind things about them, or let the problem fester.

  • Don’t yell. Speak in calm tones as you express what you’re feeling and why. Remember, you can still be respectful of others’ feelings as you share your own.

  • If you feel unable to resolve your anger, talk to a trusted adult, such as a parent, Church leader, or school counselor.
