“My Favorite Hymn,” New Era, Aug. 2000, 14
My Favorite Hymn
“I Need Thee Every Hour”
No. 98
One of my favorite hymns is “I Need Thee Every Hour” (no. 98). I especially like this hymn because without the Lord’s influence in my life, I can lose my sense of direction. I really like the line that says “I need thee every hour, Stay thou nearby.” If I am feeling down, I know I can say a prayer for comfort because He is always there for me. Whenever I am facing a difficult decision, I think about the words to this hymn and I think about what I need to do to have the Lord nearby. I know that with the Lord’s help I can make it through any trial.
Katie Grover, 17,
Clayton, California
Painting Moses Conversing with the Lord on Mount Horeb by Wilson Ong