We’ve Got Mail
April 2001

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Apr. 2001, 50

We’ve Got Mail

It’s hard

I can never wait until the New Era comes in the mail. The stories are so inspiring. I especially liked the article “When Parents Divorce” (Aug. ’00). My parents are divorced, and I know how hard it is. But this article gave me hope that no matter what happens, my Heavenly Father is there for me and that nothing can stop me from being happy.

Amanda Francis
Widefield, Colorado

A little extra

I am a teen who does not read a lot of magazines. I prefer books. But when my mother ordered the New Era for me, I could not put it down. This is odd since I am not a member of the Church even though she is. I think it is great that your religion has a magazine especially for teens. Many other religions will push aside their youth and then wonder why they aren’t interested. There are many problems teens face today, and it never hurts to have a little extra advice or encouragement.

Amanda Widener
Live Oak, California

Help and comfort

My family has been getting the New Era for several years now, but I never really read one until just lately. It is so great to have a magazine that helps youth. In a world where evil comes from almost every point, it is nice to have something to comfort and give help. It is so easy to fall into temptations. But the New Era has helped me see the big picture.

Dan Egbert
Orem, Utah (via e-mail)

A compelling reason

I think the New Era is awesome. I must confess that I have never really read all of it before. I usually read the really short stories, Questions and Answers, and the Extra Smile. However, for some reason I felt compelled to read all of the March 2000 issue. It was great! Ever since then I take time every Sunday to read some of the New Era. I want to compliment everyone on the great work and effort that is put into it. It really shows.

Jennifer Rous
Fort Meade, Maryland (via e-mail)


I just wanted to thank you for all the influential articles that you had in the February 2000 issue. It changed my outlook on life. I was headed down the wrong road, thinking everyone was against me. But the articles changed my life. Thank you very much. It was what I needed at the time.

Jill Jensen
Las Vegas, Nevada (via e-mail)

Just American?

I’ve been reading the New Era for more than five months, and it’s so inspiring. But one thing saddens and displeases me. In Q&A and We’ve Got Mail, we mainly get answers from Americans. Are you trying to give impressions to my friends in Africa and other parts of the world that Latter-day Saints are mainly American? It should be noted that more people than just me are having these feelings. It will be miraculous to see a change.

Victor B. Williams
Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria

Family relation

I would like to tell you how much our family appreciates your magazine. The New Era has been used for family home evening lessons as long as I can remember. I love the stories that relate to my life. All of them are inspiring.

Travis Thompson
Alpine, Utah
