We’ve Got Mail
August 2001

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Aug. 2001, 50

We’ve Got Mail

A strong feeling

I would like to thank you for printing the talk given by President Gordon B. Hinckley to the youth in November 2000 (Jan. 2001 issue). As I listened to him speak, and as I read the talk again, I felt strongly that he is a true prophet of God. I realized how important his words are for the youth today, and I’m grateful he would take the time to give us specific counsel. Thank you for your wonderful magazine. I have read it for years and continue to enjoy it now as a young adult. The stories and messages have helped me feel the Spirit more fully in my life, and it has become a valuable tool in building my testimony. I appreciate your efforts to guide and strengthen the youth.

Jennifer Harbon
Southport, England (via e-mail)

Making values more valuable

I’m really thankful for the Idea List about “The Do’s of Dating” in the November 2000 New Era. I’m very glad for this article, and now I know how to make the Young Women values more valuable in my life. Let us all remember to project our values in our life and not forget to make a good date.

Dian R. Chandra
Surabaya, Indonesia (via e-mail)

Great missionary tool

I’m writing to express my appreciation for the great missionary tool the New Era can be. I tell my friends about the magazine and share it with them. It is a great way for them to learn more about the gospel. Through reading it they can see how great the youth can be. They can also read the words of the true prophets, which can help them feel the Spirit and lead them to learn more about the Church.

Torrie Hicks
St. Thomas, Virgin Islands

Perfect example

The story that has brought the most meaning to me is “Dutch Treat” (Apr. 1999). I feel the man was the perfect example of true friendship when he shared the gift he received with his best friend. It’s sort of like spreading the gospel with the world. We have this wonderful gift which has brought us happiness, yet the fear of rejection scares us off. I feel if they’re a true friend, they will not reject you but will thank you for the wonderful gift of the gospel that you shared.

Drew Allen
Statesville, North Carolina

Many things learned

I am so thankful for the New Era, which I read every month. I have learned many things in the New Era, especially about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I have seen many changes in my life since I was baptized. I have learned how to bear testimony and how to be honest and obedient to the commandments of God. Thank you, New Era.

Davis Godson Irigo
Ubungo, Tanzania (via e-mail)

All my heart

I want you to know how thankful I am for the awesome articles and stories that are printed monthly in the New Era. I love it with all my heart. Each time I read it, the messages inspire me to serve more, to work harder on my talents, to be the very best I can be, and to become closer to my Heavenly Father. I feel so grateful to have the gospel to keep me strong in this world of temptations.

Elizabeth Getz
Billings, Montana
