Reader’s Guide
August 2002

“Reader’s Guide,” New Era, Aug. 2002, 49

Reader’s Guide

Creative ideas for using this issue of the New Era.

Young Men and Young Women Activity Ideas

  • President Hinckley challenged the youth of the Church to be educated and trained to meet the demands of the working world (see “Be Smart,” page 30). With the help of your ward or stake employment specialist, hold a career fair as a combined activity. With the approval of your priesthood leaders, invite guest speakers from your ward and stake to talk about their careers and how they prepared for the work they do.

  • Elder Robert D. Hales tells us we can discover the process by which testimony comes by studying the lives of the prophets (see “How You Can Know,” page 40). Plan an evening with the prophets. Assign individuals to share a story each about a latter-day prophet. Use visual aids such as photographs, slide presentations, or videos, if you can.

Seminary Devotional Idea

• Bring a glass of water to class, and have your friend complain about being very thirsty. You say you’re thirsty, too, then drink the water while your friend looks on. The point: When others are thirsty and you have living water—or the gospel of Jesus Christ (see John 4:10, 13–14)—it’s not fair to quench your thirst and not your neighbor’s. Be a missionary and share the gospel.

Personal Improvement

  • “There is no knight in black armor with such power as you may have if you live righteously,” says President Boyd K. Packer in “A Few Simple Lessons” on page 4. Read D&C 27:15–18, then describe the whole armor of God with a poem or story; a painting or sculpture; a photograph or drawing. Display your work where you can see it each day.

  • Elder Dallin H. Oaks says that “instead of being judgmental about others, we should be concerned about ourselves” (see “The Challenge to Become,” page 12). For two weeks do not criticize or judge anyone, especially members of your family. Record your experiences and feelings in your journal, then try it again—this time for a month!

Family Home Evening Ideas

• Can anyone in your family sculpt shrubs or create art out of old engine parts? How about refinishing a scratched and peeling table? Learn a new craft as a family and fill your house with your own creative work like the Rogers family did in “Carving a Character,” page 20.

Value or Duty to God Project

• Help others in your community “Be Smart” (page 30) by volunteering to help with tutoring programs. Concentrate your efforts in an area in which you excel.
