Reader’s Guide
October 2002

“Reader’s Guide,” New Era, Oct. 2002, 49

Reader’s Guide

Creative ideas for using this issue of the New Era.

Personal Improvement

  • Read “What Great Brothers Do” (page 14) and think about someone who is a good example in your life, perhaps a sibling or a friend in your ward. Identify a specific quality that person has and set two or three short-term goals that will help you develop that quality in your life.

  • Taking the sacrament is a privilege many of us take for granted (see “Sacrament Service” on page 20). This Sunday, take a moment to thank a deacon or another priesthood holder in your ward for the service they provide in passing the sacrament each Sunday.

  • When was the last time you spent some one-on-one time with a sibling? Read “Freckles” on page 24 for inspiration, and make a “date” to spend some time doing a fun activity with a brother or sister.

Family Home Evening Idea

“Danger Ahead!” on page 34 deals with the serious topic of pornography, and the ease with which it can enter our homes. Under the guidance of your parents at your next family home evening, discuss strategies for avoiding unwholesome entertainment. Read D&C 121:45 together and discuss its meaning.

Value Project Idea

• Our prophets have given us numerous testimonies of the Savior, a few of which are contained in “The Voice of His Servants” (page 26). If appropriate, ask your parents or other members of your family to write their testimonies of Christ. Put them all together in a file. Don’t forget to include your own testimony.

Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women Mutual Ideas

  • Two missionaries discovered that simple acts of service were the best way to let a sister know she was loved (see page 46). Is there a member of your class or quorum who could use some help with his homework? A ride to an activity? Some special attention? Spend a portion of your next Mutual night planning a service activity for someone who is less active.

  • Is reverence an area where your class or quorum could improve? Read Q&A together (page 16) and then, with your teacher, brainstorm some ideas to improve reverence in your Sunday meetings. After a month of implementing your ideas, evaluate your progress. If you feel you’ve improved, celebrate with a treat.

Seminary Devotional Idea

• Read “Taking My Own Advice” on page 8, and summarize it in your own words for your class. Ask class members to write short notes expressing their testimonies to give to friends. Then, instead of giving the notes away, invite them to keep the notes as a reminder to work on their testimonies daily.
