“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Oct. 2002, 50
We’ve Got Mail
Really inspired
I would like to say the article “Everyone But Me” (April ’02) really inspired me because it made me think back to when I felt alone and not needed. Thank you again for the magazine. It’s the only thing I read when I feel down.
Joel Maldonado
Naples, Florida (via e-mail)
The prophet has asked us to be grateful, and I am grateful for the New Era and all the work that goes into it. My favorite thing to read is the scriptures, but the New Era comes in a close second. Many of the articles touch me and I appreciate the inspiring, knowledgeable, and encouraging words.
Alyssa Hansen
Ridgefield, Washington (via e-mail)
Loved the trek
I am a 12-year-old Beehive in the Rawlins Wyoming First Ward. I would like to thank you for printing the article, “Walking in Remembrance,” in the July 2002 issue. It was really fun to read because Martin’s Cove is only 40 miles from my home, and I have been there many, many times. I was even privileged to attend the dedication. It was also extra special because I received my copy of the New Era the day before we left on our own bi-ward trek.
Rachel Russell
Rawlins, Wyoming (via e-mail)
Different perspective
When I received my August 2002 issue, the first article I read was “Carving A Character.” About half-way through diabetes jumped off the page at me. Before I continued, I called my sister to come listen to the rest of Matt Rogers’s story. My sister was diagnosed with type-1 diabetes when she was four years old. Even though she has had the disease for four years, lately she has become very depressed about her illness. She feels like no one else understands what she is going through, and she tries to ignore her illness, hoping it will disappear. I loved reading her the scripture Matt mentioned (Ether 12:27); his diabetes had been something to help shape his life. It gave my sister a different perspective. Now she tells me she wants to be a sculptor!
Kassandra Greer
Walkersville, Maryland (via e-mail)
Not the only one
I just want to say that I loved reading the article “Rising Above the Blues” in the April 2002 edition. It helped me feel that I wasn’t alone. I have depression, and at times I feel so helpless and guilty that I don’t want to exist. Now I realize I’m not the only one, and that if Jesus Christ suffered all things, I can survive. This article really made me feel better.
Name Withheld
Utah (via e-mail)
The same things
I love reading the New Era. It is so inspiring and helps me to feel the Spirit while I read. As I read the stories they help me know I am not alone, that there are other faithful teenagers around the world who have to go through a lot of the same things I go through. The New Era is the best magazine because it brings the Spirit of the Lord with it, which is something that could never be found in other teen magazines.
Kristy Rae Rowberry
Henderson, Nevada (via e-mail)