We’ve Got Mail
January 2003

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Jan. 2003, 50

We’ve Got Mail

We love hearing from you. Write us at

New Era

We’ve Got Mail

50 E. North Temple

Salt Lake City, Utah 84150

Or e-mail us at


Submissions may be edited for length and clarity.

Amazed by the Inspiration

Thank you for so many wonderful articles and stories. I really felt that the articles in the April 2002 New Era were inspired. They were very helpful to me. The Q & A helped me answer a question that a friend of mine had. The “Rising Above the Blues” article helped me realize that a lot of people go through depression. I have gone through some hard times, and it really helped me to know what to do and how I can help others. Every article from the beginning to the end of that New Era really made a big difference in my life.
Camille Soren
Boise, Idaho (via e-mail)

Easy to Relate

I just wanted to thank your for this wonderful magazine. It is nice to have a magazine geared toward the youth of the Church. The stories are uplifting and very informative. I really appreciate all the wonderful articles it contains. It is easy to relate to some of the problems the articles counsel about, and you give such wonderful solutions that I may, in turn, use in my life. I especially enjoy the messages you give us from the General Authorities. Thank you for your wonderful efforts.
Zeynep Husrevoglu
Brantford, Ontario, Canada (via e-mail)

Good Feeling

I would like to thank you for the articles, “Cold Feet, Warm Heart” and “No One Will Know” (Feb. ’02). They really gave me a good feeling.
Tracey Goodwin
Adelaide, Australia (via e-mail)

It Really Does

I would just like to congratulate you all on the wonderful effort that is put into the New Era each month. Each article in the New Era gives an encouragement to each and every one of us who read it. We are very lucky to have people as yourselves care about us so much as to come up with inspiring articles and give us the opportunity to hear from our beloved prophet and General Authorities. I absolutely enjoy reading The Extra Smile. It really does give me an extra smile.
Jacqueline Zinck
Sydney, Australia (via e-mail)

A Church Perspective

Today, reading materials like the New Era are so few. I really cherish reading the magazine, for it presents real-life issues and gives us insights on how to deal with them from a Church perspective. The youth of today must be thoroughly guided given such a degrading society, and the magazine is really a big help.
Nick P. Buscato
Bohol, Philippines

Felt Strongly

After reading “What’s Best for My Baby” (Nov. ’01), I felt strongly that I needed to write and say thank you. Thank you to the author of this article for sharing her story as well as her baby. Thank you to all birth mothers who have courageously chosen adoption when they knew it was the right thing for their baby. Thank you to three wonderful birth mothers who placed their babies with our family. I think of you, pray for you, and thank our Father in Heaven for you every day.
Juli Boyd
Salt Lake City, Utah (via e-mail)
