P.S. He Loves You
July 2003

“P.S. He Loves You,” New Era, July 2003, 9

Scripture Lifeline:

P.S. He Loves You

Her letter gave me the answer I needed.

At the end of eighth grade, I was having a really hard time. It seemed like nothing was going my way.

I never saw my mom. She worked a night shift and took care of my aunt who was dying of cancer. My dad had died a year earlier. I felt very lost and alone, like I had no friends or family to comfort me. At school I was quiet and didn’t open up much. I quit hanging out with my friends. At the time, I didn’t think I was acting that differently. I tried to be myself and be as happy as I could. Now I look back and realize I was feeling down and falling even further.

A friend who I had just started hanging out with had a very strong testimony. She was in one of my classes, and one day, out of nowhere, she handed me a letter. In it, she described her hardships and expressed her testimony, which was one of the strongest testimonies I had ever read.

At the end of the letter there was the scripture, John 14:18: “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.”

I felt as though God was telling me through my friend that I was not alone, even though I felt as though I had no friends or family. Now I know I will never be alone because I can go to my Heavenly Father through prayer. He will always be there.

  • Heather Schiffman is a member of the Bridgerland Park Second Ward, Logan Utah Cache Stake.

Illustrated by Greg Newbold
