What’s in It for You
September 2003

“What’s in It for You,” New Era, Sept. 2003, 49

What’s in It for You

Mutual Activities

  • Present the Q&A question on journals (page 16) as the theme for an activity. If you have youth in your group who are already good journal keepers, ask them to share an example of their writings to give others the idea of how it’s done. Avoid sharing matters that are too personal or private. Have each person write about one experience in his or her week as a starting point.

  • Music is an important part of worship—just ask the youth in Winnipeg’s London Ward (see page 30). Hold an evening of music instruction. You might want to divide up into smaller groups and learn how to lead music, sing parts, or learn about the history of a few hymns.

  • For more Mutual activity ideas, check out the Idea List on page 28.

Service Project

  • Take a page from Chris Collier’s experience on page 38. Contact those in charge of some smaller local cemeteries and ask if your group could help preserve the information or upkeep the stones. Make sure everyone comes with paper and pens to copy down information or with cleaning or gardening supplies to help with upkeep of the grounds. Be sure to make copies of your work for your local family history library.

Family Home Evening Ideas

  • In “Finding a Fortune” (page 8), Elder D. Rex Gerratt explains how returning a lost $10 bill has blessed his life. In your family, role-play different situations involving honesty, and discuss how each scenario might be handled.

  • In “Coming up Short” on page 10, a young man relies on gospel power to help him overcome a personal disappointment. Summarize the story for your family. Then read the story “Deacon in Motion” on page 14 about Danny Cope and discuss how he feels about his challenges in life.

Sunday Lesson Helps

In addition to the Resource Guides (printed in May and November), Young Women and Aaronic Priesthood teachers may find these additional resources helpful in enhancing lessons 34–37.

Young Women Manual 1

Lesson 34: Worthy Thoughts
Poster, “Clean Up Your Act,” New Era, Aug. 2003, 19.

Lesson 35: Living Righteously Amid Pressures
Q&A, “List of what I can and can’t do,” New Era, Aug. 2003, 16–19.
Poster, “Be a Strong Link,” this issue, 19.

Lesson 36: The Importance of Truth in Living a Virtuous Life
D. Rex Gerratt, “Finding a Fortune,” this issue, 8–9.
Sterling W. Sill, “The 10-Cent Solution,” New Era, Aug. 2003, 42–43.

Lesson 37: Caring for Our Physical Bodies
Juli Housholder, “It’s Just Hair,” New Era, Aug. 2003, 20–23.
Rosalyn Collings, “True Beauty,” New Era, Mar. 2003, 9.
Nikki Miner, “Dressed Up,” New Era, May 2003, 44–46.

Aaronic Priesthood Manual 1

Lesson 34: Obedience
Keith B. McMullin, “Are You a Saint?” New Era, Feb. 2003, 38–41.
Poster, “Don’t try bending the rules,” New Era, Oct. 2002, 19.

Lesson 35: The Sacrament
Matthew Baker, “Sacrament Service,” New Era, Oct. 2002, 20.

Lesson 36: Testimony
Amanda M. Ellsworth, “Online Testimony,” New Era, Mar. 2003, 38–40.
Lynn C. Jaynes, “Me Included,” New Era, Apr. 2003, 46–48.

Lesson 37: The Priesthood of Aaron
Artel Ricks, “Deacon in Motion,” this issue, 14–16.
“Power Restored,” New Era, May 2003, 10–13.
John H. Groberg, “Connecting with Heaven,” New Era, May 2003, 38–42.
