We’ve Got Mail
October 2003

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Oct. 2003, 50

We’ve Got Mail

Ordinary People Can Serve

Thank you for “Following in Faith” (July 2003). Lately, I’ve been having so many trials. As I read Elder Wirthlin’s words about the “ordinary people” who can serve in the kingdom, my eyes filled with tears. Reading of the Savior’s empathy “for the temptations of earthly appetites,” I began to weep. I will still struggle, but the article has given me an increase of hope.
Name withheld

Family Advice

I was pleasantly surprised with the June New Era. Nearly every article related to my life. Many articles were on getting along with your family, and I have had a lot of trouble with this the past few months. I hadn’t been getting along with someone in my family, but I really wanted to get along with her. So I am thankful for the June New Era’s advice on getting along with my family. I will put these things into practice! Thanks heaps.
Emily Whaite, Mount Barker Ward, Adelaide Australia Marion Stake

My Other Fathers

I am so grateful for the June 2003 article called “My Fathers.” My father is not a member of the Church, and our relationship is not a close one. That has always been hard for me. But I too have been blessed to find “fathers” at church who care for and protect me. My bishop and a member of my stake presidency have been there so many times to fill the father role in my life. I am grateful for these two men and for their testimonies and examples of fatherhood. I am also grateful to be a daughter of Heavenly Father, who has blessed me greatly.
Name withheld

My Sister Connection

Thank you for “Sister Connection” (June 2003). It was encouraging to read about sisters who love each other. I have four sisters and two brothers who are all younger than me. As I was reading this article, I was thinking “I know just what that’s like.” The article talks about a girl who says, when asked if she and her sister fight, “No, not really. If we do, we get over it in two seconds.” This is what my sister and I are always saying. It was neat knowing that other girls feel the way we feel. I loved the advice at the end of the article encouraging sisters to get along. This article made me realize how great my relationships are with my sisters and what I could do to make them better.
Emily Hawryluk, Calgary 11th Ward, Calgary Alberta East Stake

In But Not of the World

Thank you for the New Era. I never read it much until my bishop encouraged the youth in my ward to read it. It is comforting to read an article that isn’t about the things of the world and doesn’t have bad pictures or profane language. There is something at home I can do to get away from the things of the world. I can spend time with my family or read about the gospel in the New Era and the scriptures.
Alix Moseley, Parker Ward, Parker Colorado Stake

Illustrated by Bill Mayer
