What’s in It for You
October 2003

“What’s in It for You,” New Era, Oct. 2003, 49

What’s in It for You

Mutual Activities

  • Try organizing a service activity similar to the one Taylor Woodruff’s ward participated in as described in “Getting the Point” on page 46. Instead of awarding points for speedy service and before the teams leave the ward building, read Taylor’s story aloud and encourage the youth to look for one person who really needs some extra help. Gather again at the chapel and ask each team to give a report.

  • The youth in Memphis (see page 20) appreciate knowing the answers to tough questions. Invite a member of the stake presidency to hold a question-and-answer session about gospel subjects. With the permission of the bishop and under the direction of youth leaders, submit questions to the speaker in writing the week before.

Service Project

  • Check with your local fire department. Many are involved in refurbishing toys prior to the holiday season. See if they need help in gathering used toys or bicycles. Offer to hold a toy drive to gather items suitable for their projects.

Family Home Evening Ideas

  • Invite family members to tell a significant, humorous, or memorable event from their childhoods. Include young children as well as older family members. If possible, have a tape recorder available to record the stories. Don’t worry about doing a complete family history. Make it a night to tell the family’s favorite stories and record them for posterity. See “The Story of a Lifetime” on page 28 for inspiration.

  • Take your family home evening to a shut-in member of the ward. Arrange the time and place with your chosen ward member. Make sure everyone is assigned and prepared to participate in giving the lesson, leading the music, or making the refreshments.

Sunday Lesson Helps

In addition to the Resource Guides (printed in May and November), Young Women and Aaronic Priesthood teachers may find these additional resources helpful in enhancing lessons 38–42.

Young Women Manual 1

Lesson 38 Nutrition and the Word of Wisdom

Gabriel Gonzalez, “Graduating with Honor,” New Era, July 2003, 40.

Lesson 39 Drug Abuse

Caroline Benzley, “Be Clean,” New Era, July 2002, 12.

Poster, “Keep Yourself Free,” New Era, February 2003, 19.

Lesson 40 Health Care in the Home

Poster, “Spread Thin,” this issue, 19.

Q&A, “A list of what I can and can’t do?” New Era, August 2003, 16.

Lesson 41 The Ability to Succeed

Carolyn Argyle, “I Hope, I Wish, I Dream,” New Era, January 2003, 40.

Jane H. Forsgren, “Sheena’s Key to Success,” New Era, March 2003, 28.

Lori Anne Ries, “In Crowd? Out Crowd? Right Crowd!” this issue, 36.

Lesson 42 Courage to Try

Gene R. Cook, “How to Discourage Discouragement,” New Era, January 2003, 44.

Timothy Cobbley, “A Light in the Darkness,” New Era, February 2003, 11.

Aaronic Priesthood Manual 1

Lesson 38 Magnifying the Calling of an Aaronic Priesthood Holder

Q&A, “Prepare to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood?” this issue, 16.

Lesson 39 Missionary Work Through Example

James E. Faust, “Ten Things to Know Before You Go,” New Era, July 2002, 4.

Poster, “Fishing License,” New Era, March 2003, 19.

Lesson 40 The House of the Lord

Katie Lea Brown, “Worth the Wait,” New Era, February 2003, 46.

Spencer W. Kimball, “Live for the Future,” New Era, November 2002, 10.

Lesson 41 Sexual Purity

Jeffrey R. Holland, “How Do I Love Thee?” this issue, 4.

Neal A. Maxwell, “Reasons to Stay Pure,” New Era, March 2003, 42.

Lesson 42 Honesty

Sterling W. Sill, “The 10-Cent Solution,” New Era, August 2003, 42.

Howard W. Hunter, “Be Honest with Yourself,” New Era, July 2003, 36.
