What’s in It for You
October 2005

“What’s in It for You,” New Era, Oct. 2005, 49

What’s in It for You

Teaching Tip

One of the most important additions to a lesson that you give should be your testimony. Often, the most powerful spiritual witness your students will receive will come as you describe the process you went through to gain a testimony of the principle you are teaching. Never underestimate the power of the Holy Ghost to confirm your words. Just bearing testimony could be the most powerful lesson you give.

Mutual Activity Ideas

  • Read over the blessings listed on page 15 that come from staying worthy to attend the temple. If possible, plan a trip to the nearest temple. Encourage those who have never attended the temple to plan to go with the group. Make specific goals for getting recommends and planning transportation. Make sure as many youth as possible are involved.

  • Plan a record-breaking event. Read about the youth in Ottawa, Canada, setting a world record singing hymns, on page 38. You may not be able to plan an event on that scale, but you’ll find smaller events just as much fun. Perhaps you could have a huge hula hoop contest or checkers tournament with dozens of people playing at the same time. You can even expand the evening to include parents, younger siblings, and friends.

Family Home Evening Ideas

  • Spend an evening with your family putting together an emergency plan for evacuating the house. Or decide which person your family members should call or where they should meet if away from the home during an emergency. Conclude by reading together the story from President David O. McKay on page 10, and discuss how prayer can help calm your fears.

  • Instead of carving pumpkins, try carving other vegetables or fruit. If children are too young to handle knives, provide colored markers.

Sunday Lesson Helps

In addition to the Resource Guides (printed in May and November in the Ensign and Liahona), Young Women and Aaronic Priesthood teachers may find these additional resources helpful in enhancing lessons 41–45.

Young Women Manual 3

Lesson 41: Being Dependable

David A. Bednar, “Be Honest,” this issue, 4.

Poster: “Finish,” New Era, Sept. 2005, 19.

Lesson 42: Preparing for Change

Thomas S. Monson, “A Code to Live By,” New Era, Sept. 2005, 4.

Dallin H. Oaks, “The Right Thing at the Right Time,” New Era, July 2005, 4.

Q&A: “I’m 18 and I just graduated. But I don’t know what my next step should be. …” New Era, July 2005, 16.

Lesson 43: Associations with Others

Keith R. Waters, “Get Me Out of This!” New Era, June 2005, 8.

Katie Laird, “Tears for Ashley,” New Era, Feb. 2005, 34.

Lesson 44: Avoiding Crisis Living

Articles of Faith: “The Girl in the Mirror,” New Era, Aug. 2005, 12.

Richard G. Scott, “Making Hard Decisions,” New Era, June 2005, 4.

Lesson 45: Choosing a Vocation

Shanna Butler, “Behind the Scenes,” this issue, 20.

Lacey McMurry, “The Perfect Pattern,” New Era, Sept. 2005, 46.

Aaronic Priesthood Manual 3

Lesson 41: Becoming More like Our Savior

Q&A: “How can I help motivate my family to have family home evening, family prayer, and family scripture study?” this issue, 16.

Charles W. Dahlquist II, “Four Heavenly Helps,” New Era, Aug. 2005, 44.

Lesson 42: Being Humble and Teachable

Lindsay T. Dil, “If You Listen,” New Era, July 2005, 8.

Caroline H. Benzley, “Be Humble,” New Era, Sept. 2002, 36.

Lesson 43: Thoughts and Language

Brian D. Stenquist, “This Recruit Does Not Swear, Sir!” this issue, 12.

Poster: “Mental Floss,” this issue, 19.

Q&A: “Pornography is ruining my life. …” New Era, Aug. 2005, 16.

Poster: “Free Filter,” New Era, June 2005, 17.

Lesson 44: Service to Others

“Storming into Service,” New Era, Sept. 2005, 40.

Brett M. Condon, “Murmuring and Mowing,” New Era, July 2004, 8.

Lesson 45: Strengthening Testimonies by Bearing Them

Vaclava Svobodova, “Staying Converted,” this issue, 35.

W. Rolfe Kerr, “Soapbox Convert,” New Era, June 2004, 42.
