Idea List: Grateful and Glad
June 2006

“Idea List: Grateful and Glad,” New Era, June 2006, 13

Idea List:

Grateful and Glad

To help us find happiness, President Gordon B. Hinckley has encouraged us to be grateful. When we recognize our many blessings—and show gratitude for them—we develop a positive, optimistic attitude. It truly makes us happier.

How can you become more grateful—and show it?

  • On a fast Sunday, fast and pray for help in seeing your blessings more clearly. Express thanks in prayer that day.

  • Thank your parents for the sacrifices they have made for you.

  • Show gratitude for your physical body by starting a new exercise program, learning a new sport, or eating a healthier diet.

  • Write a thank-you letter to a teacher or leader who has influenced your life.

  • In your journal, make a list of people and experiences you are grateful for.

  • Make a special phone call to thank someone who has helped you.

  • Tell a friend thanks, just for being your friend.

  • Spend some time helping an older relative, such as a grandparent, aunt, or uncle. Express thanks for his or her help or example in your life.

  • When you have a challenge, pray to see the many gifts in your life. It will put your challenge in perspective, and you may even be grateful for the growth it will bring.

  • Demonstrate gratitude for your talents by developing one of them through lessons, practice, performance, a contest, or an art show.

  • Do family history or temple work for an ancestor as a way of showing gratitude for your heritage.

  • Serve someone in a Christlike way to show your thankfulness for the Savior’s gifts and for His example.

  • If you don’t already have the habit of saying thank you, make a point of developing that habit.

Illustrated by Scott Greer
