We’ve Got Mail
July 2006

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, July 2006, 48

We’ve Got Mail

Not Alone

Thank you for the inspirational article “Alone” (Mar. 2006). I too am the only LDS member at the university I attend in Georgia. Sometimes it is hard to have the reassurance that the gospel is true when you are not surrounded by LDS friends at school, and it really tests your standards. But I have also found that when I really feel alone Heavenly Father always seems to find a way to tell me that He is there to help me. Thank you again for reminding me that I am never truly alone.
Candice S., Georgia


I add a caution to our young ladies also. For years I have worked doing sewing alterations. Lately I have had quite a few young ladies wanting a prom or wedding dress altered so their tattoos would not show. When they got a tattoo, they thought it was cool but now wish it would disappear. It won’t, and some are located in very hard-to-hide places. Think twice about it; follow the prophet’s counsel and don’t get one!
Viva M., California

Not Just Girls

I was glad to see an article about anorexia in the April 2006 issue, and I just wanted to mention that it is not just a “girl” problem. Recently when one of my sons was struggling with his weight, our doctor mentioned that he had three patients hospitalized with anorexia and two of them were boys. My son would have appreciated a picture of a teenage boy as well as a girl in the anorexia article.
Name Withheld

Perfect Comeback

Thank you for your fantastic article “The Perfect Comeback” (Apr. 2006). I really enjoyed reading a story about how to act when people make fun of others and make them feel bad. I love all of your fantastic, well-written articles, but I especially appreciated this one. Thank you very much.
Zach G., North Carolina

New Era Online

I noticed a mention of an article that seemed interesting in the “We’ve Got Mail” section of the New Era. I wanted to read it, and since I didn’t have that issue, I looked it up on Google. I saw the Gospel Library, where all the magazines are online. I am really grateful that you set up a place like that. I hope to read all the magazines you have there. I know that your magazine is appreciated by many people, and I feel like it speaks to some of the problems I have and to problems that may come up in the future. Thank you for creating this magazine and the chance to read all of them online.
Caitlin B., California

Illustrated by Bill Mayer
