We’ve Got Mail
June 2008

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, June 2008, 48

We’ve Got Mail

Tributes to President Hinckley

It is sad to see President Hinckley go, but I’m not really sad. He must have known his time was soon and, like Ether, knew where he was going. He has been accepted into the kingdom of God to live forever with the Lord. Also, he is with his wife again. I am sure he is happy about that.

Elder Holladay, Brasil Santa Maria Mission

He was a very good leader for the Saints for nearly 13 years. His teachings and example help me a lot with my life as a young woman in the Church in American Samoa. I will always remember President Hinckley as a prophet with superlative thoughts given during general conference. I will miss him.

Maezhis P., American Samoa

Help from the New Era

The Q&A section in the Feb. 08 issue gave me a good understanding of how my mom might feel when we fight. Ever since reading it, we haven’t been fighting. Thank you so much for all of the good advice you give. I really appreciate it.

Taylor W., Nevada

I really enjoyed the “Did You Know” article in the “What’s Up?” section of the January 2008 New Era. My mother and I wanted to know the correct way to say more than one Book of Mormon. We had opposite views. When this article appeared in the New Era, I was delighted. Thank you for answering my question. I also very much enjoy reading the guidance and counsel in your magazine.

Annika C., Texas

Favorite Features

One of my favorite features in the New Era is the photo and poem on the back page. The photographs are extraordinary and the poems inspiring. They make an emotionally stimulating combination which I consider to be the purpose of poetry and photography.

Rigdon H., Montana

Keeps My Spirits Up

This magazine helps keep my spirits high and has helped me get through basic training for the U.S. Army. Reading about the amazing things that have happened with the gifts and blessings of other teens makes my day. The stories have shown me that I’m not alone, and they make me feel that I have friends and family writing to me and others. This magazine is a great thing to have in my life.

Justin N., Kansas

Strengthen My Testimony

As a Latter-day Saint among many age mates of other faiths, I need a strong foundation in order to be able to withstand all the temptations around me. Thanks to the New Era, I can learn from the experiences of other youth and read messages from General Authorities and our dear prophet. Your words have helped strengthen my faith and testimony.

Nabagereka P., Uganda

We love hearing from you. Write us at the following address. Please include the names of your ward and stake (or branch and district).

New Era

We’ve Got Mail

50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2420

Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA

Or e-mail us at newera@ldschurch.org

Submissions may be edited for length and clarity.

Illustrated by Scott Greer
