A Laurel in Parliament
June 2008

“A Laurel in Parliament,” New Era, June 2008, 34

A Laurel in Parliament

Catharine Irving, 16, is a member of the Dumfries Ward, Edinburgh Scotland Stake, and has always been involved, especially at school and in her local community. In the first election for all 14- to 25-year-olds held along with the government elections, Catharine was elected to represent the Dumfries area. The Youth Parliament is run by youth, for youth. It doesn’t have the governing powers that Parliament has, of course, but it does allow the youth of Scotland to have a voice.

Catharine’s duties include visiting schools, youth groups, and other places in the area to listen to youth talk about the things they feel are important. She has a fund available to help with different community youth projects. Catharine hopes to go to university next year when she finishes high school, and although she doesn’t have any aspirations to become a politician, she is the sort of person to continue to be involved.

Photograph courtesy of Ian A. McClumpha
