“NewEra.lds.org,” New Era, May 2009, 47
What’s New?
Log on to the New Era online and find:
A new quiz on the Aaronic Priesthood.
New lyrics for the song “I Walk By Faith.”
Look at extra photos from the articles.
A link for you to sign up to do family history indexing.
Top Five
When you are facing some hard decisions, read these five great articles on using your agency. Look them up in past issues online.
President Boyd K. Packer, “Spiritual Crocodiles,” Oct. 2001.
Resource Links
If teachers need additional articles to use in preparing lessons for Young Women and Aaronic Priesthood, look online under Lesson Helps for suggestions. Each month we’ll add more lessons to the list.
Behind the Scenes
As we planned on using the article, “Michaela and the Marshmallows,” it caused a discussion about just what homemade marshmallows would be like. We found a recipe for homemade marshmallows and tried it out. They were good, not as stiff as those you buy, but interesting especially if you roll them in a variety of toppings. We are posting the recipe online for you.
Call for Entries: Write for Us!
We need you to write about things that have happened in your life. Do you remember the first time you paid tithing and what it meant to you? When did you learn the importance of paying tithing? How about fasting? Was it hard and when did you learn the value of fasting? Send your thoughts to newera@ldschurch.org.
“The first thing is always beauty. Sorry, that’s just the way it is. I mean, there are things you can do. I mean, you can help yourself out. …”
He is blushing, all six feet three inches of him, because he is in a Young Women meeting, not in the high school gym. He is our male expert for our dating lesson today, and I think the only reason Jodi asked, “What’s the first thing that attracts a guy to a girl?” was to capture his brown-eyed attention. Only now he’s not looking at her. He’s staring at the floor, embarrassed to have been so open honest in church.”
Read the rest online in “Beauty Tips,” by Sheralee Bills (from Sept. 2001).
Illustrations by Scott Greer and Dilleen Marsh; photograph © Photospin