We’ve Got Mail
August 2009

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, August 2009, 48

We’ve Got Mail

Scripture Reading

I really liked the article “Scripture Reading Adds Up” (Sept. 2008). It inspired me to start daily scripture reading. I want to start daily reading so that I can learn and remember the stories better, too. Thank you for all of your other stories. They are enjoyable to read and uplifting.

Carson C.

Can’t Put It Down

The story “I Couldn’t Put It Down” (Jan. 09) touched my heart and caused me to think about the Book of Mormon. It made me think about how the book is really true and that it is made up of real people and real experiences that help us learn of the commandments and the gospel. When I thought about the Book of Mormon in the way the author did, the stories came to life, and I realized it was real and true. Thank you for helping me realize that I needed to change the way I read the Book of Mormon and other scriptures and not take them for granted.

Katrena W., Utah

To the Point

Thank you for including the “To the Point” answer about temple questions (Jan. 09). My nonmember friend and her mom have been asking me about sacred things that go on inside the temple. I know now that if someone asks those kinds of questions, I will be able to answer them.

Madi H., Utah

Sanctity of Womanhood

The article “The Sanctity of Womanhood” (Nov. 2008) is one of my favorite articles the New Era has ever published. It opened my eyes to how special I am, not only as an individual, but also as a daughter of God. It made me happier and helped my testimony grow stronger.

Ashley A., Utah


Thank you so much for putting the Mormonads online by topic. It is hard to find the one(s) you like or would like to show someone. Now I can just look under that topic and it is right there. Even though I am not in the Young Women program anymore, they are a good reminder to help me know who I need to be: a daughter of God.

Rebecca V., California

Reading Past Issues

I really like reading past issues of the New Era as well as the current ones. Doing so draws me closer to the Spirit and knowing the teachings will always be with me makes me happy and want to share the gospel.

Ayanda, Zimbabwe Africa

Sunday Observance

I wanted to write and tell you how much I enjoy reading the New Era each month. Reading it is one of my favorite Sunday activities. I especially am thankful for the article “The Sabbath: A Personal Priority” in the March 2009 issue. I enjoy playing sports and quite a few times I have been asked to play or practice on Sundays. Most of the time I have said no, and I am more happy when I don’t play on Sundays than when I do. This was a very good article that was very easy for me to relate to. Thanks for putting it in your issue.

Mitch S., Montana

Illustration by Mark Shaver
