Get a Grip
October 2009

“Get a Grip,” New Era, Oct. 2009, 37

Get a Grip

Hold to the Rod; Get a Grip. That was the theme of this year’s two-day youth conference in the Tupelo Ward in Mississippi. There were great speakers, activities, and some surprises as well. There was an actual “iron rod” constructed in and around much of the meetinghouse. The youth began their journey of Lehi’s dream in the darkened cultural hall. As they followed the rod, there were many distractions including people, a mist of darkness, the filthy river, the great and spacious building, and finally the tree of life with delicious fruit.

“It was really neat to see a life-sized rod of iron and the whole experience really helped me to understand Lehi’s dream and how it applies to me,” said 15-year-old Hannah Murphy.

There was also a “carnival of life,” where the youth not only enjoyed games and activities, but they also learned out of Preach My Gospel. Then they held a service project at a local home for abused, abandoned, and neglected children and spent time with the children as well. Finally, they had lunch in the park, where they also participated in team-building activities to help unify the ward youth.

Photographs courtesy of the Tupelo Ward
