STEP into Family History

“STEP into Family History,” New Era, June 2010, 37

STEP into Family History

Last summer, youth in the Val Vista Ward in Mesa, Arizona, participated in what they called the “STEP” program: Students Trying Elijah’s Promise. First the youth became familiar with the Church’s Web site, where they each got a sign-in name and password. Then they went to work researching their ancestors to find those who needed temple work.

The ward also held an all-day Especially For Youth program on July 24. The event was designed to focus on family history and temple work and featured workshops, games, food, and research time on computers. “It was one of the most amazing events I have ever been a part of,” said Bishop Charles Doane. “In one day the youth found over 500 family names for ordinance work.”

The young men and women continued searching for names, and by the time they went to the temple in August they had nearly 1,200 names ready.

“I really didn’t know a lot about family history and why we did it,” said Bryce Waite, 14. “STEP was an amazing experience for me, and I learned so much from it. Every time I found a new name, I was so excited for them. I now know why we do baptisms for the dead.”
