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Checking for Messages
October 2010

“Checking for Messages,” New Era, Oct. 2010, 44–45

Checking for Messages

Julie Ann B., Utah, USA

Shortly after waking up, I turn my computer on to check my e-mail. My morning continues, and just like putting on my watch, I slip my cell phone into my pocket to keep it handy all day in case someone calls or sends me a text message. Later, while eating my lunch, I check my e-mail again and spend time checking blogs and other Internet sites that help keep me in touch with friends and family. Throughout the day, when I have time, I check my e-mail and send and text messages to friends and family. Just before going to sleep, I check my e-mail one last time. Each day this pattern continues. I spend countless hours checking for messages.

One day I started to feel depressed because each time I checked for messages, there was nothing. I realized that I had started to not only crave receiving messages, but I was building my self-esteem based on how many messages I received throughout the day. I began fighting the feeling that no one cared about me. I then realized I was not checking for the right message.

Our Heavenly Father cares about us. He wants to teach us and guide us throughout this life so that we might live worthy to return to live with Him someday. To help us make it back home to Him, we have the Holy Ghost to lead and guide us. Through the Holy Ghost we receive guidance and direction from our loving Father. But how often do we check for those types of messages? Do we spend as much time in sincere prayer as we do checking our e-mail? Do we read the scriptures more than we read blogs? How often throughout the day do we allow our hearts to cry out to our Father in Heaven? Surely each time we turn our hearts to Him it is much more worthwhile than any text message.

Just like any form of messaging, it is not only about sending messages; it is also about receiving them. Are we checking for messages from our Father? We have been blessed with so many ways of receiving messages from Him. Prayer, scripture study, and quiet pondering are simple yet powerful ways that we can receive these messages.

I realized that I should spend more time checking for messages from my Father in Heaven. Each day He is waiting for a chance to remind me that I am His daughter and He loves me. He will help and guide me throughout my life, and He will never leave me alone. Those are messages truly worth receiving again and again.