Preparing and Serving
November 2011

“Preparing and Serving,” New Era, Nov. 2011, 4

Preparing and Serving

President Henry B. Eyring

A Sacred Charge

“Every member of the Church has the same sacred charge. We accepted it and promised to rise to it as we were baptized. [See Mosiah 18:9.] …

“First, we promised to become charitable. Second, we promised to become witnesses of God. And third, we promised to endure.”

Drinking Deeply from the Book of Mormon

“The effect of the Book of Mormon on your character, power, and courage to be a witness for God is certain. The doctrine and the valiant examples in that book will lift, guide, and embolden you. …

“Prayerful study of the Book of Mormon will build faith in God the Father, in His Beloved Son, and in His gospel. It will build your faith in God’s prophets, ancient and modern.

“It can draw you closer to God than any other book. It can change a life for the better. …

“Your copy of the Book of Mormon may be hidden from your view by cares and attention to all you have accumulated in your journey. I plead with you to drink deeply and often from its pages. It has in it the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the only way home to God.”

Blessings of Service

“As you serve others for [the Lord], He lets you feel His love. And in time, feelings of charity become part of your very nature. … As you persist in serving others in life … all will be well with you.”

Priesthood Preparation

“Most of us wonder to ourselves at times, ‘Am I prepared for this assignment in the priesthood?’ My answer is ‘Yes, you have been prepared.’ …

“We may come to think of priesthood preparation as occurring in the Aaronic Priesthood years. But our Heavenly Father has been preparing us since we were taught at His knee in His kingdom before we were born. … And He will continue to prepare us as long as we will let Him.

“The purpose of all priesthood preparation, in the preexistence and in this life, is to fit us and those we serve for Him for eternal life. …

“Don’t worry about how inexperienced you are but think about what, with the Lord’s help, you can become.”
