We’ve Got Mail
November 2011

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Nov. 2011, 48

We’ve Got Mail

Peace to My Soul

I was able to attend conference at the Conference Center on Sunday. At first I was nervous to go since there would be so many people. Once I sat down inside I felt an overwhelming love for the prophet and apostles, and I could feel their love. Heavenly Father sent peace to my soul.

Denali L., Alaska, USA

Listening to President Monson

As soon as President Monson started to announce the new temples, I felt a confirming witness so strongly that he is the prophet and that he is God’s mouthpiece. And since that’s true, then why not try to follow his teachings completely?

Whitney A., Oregon, USA

I felt the Spirit and understand more about the scriptures. Thanks to President Monson for his words and his teachings.

Cristian L., Cerro Largo, Uruguay

I heard what I needed to hear in President Monson’s talk about how all doctrine is still for us today. I thought about it, and now I have downloaded his talk so that I can listen to it whenever I feel that Nephi didn’t know what I am going through.

Emma F., Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

Glad for Messages

The messages at general conference were amazing and definitely inspired, and so many of them spoke to me. I loved the messages about our personal relationship with our Heavenly Father and about receiving inspiration. I am glad I have my notes and will have the Ensign so that I’ll be able to read them and continue to appreciate the messages.

Hannah T., California, USA

Favorite Quote

My favorite quote from conference this time was by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf: “Compared to God, man is nothing; yet we are everything to God.” It is just so true and uplifting.

Alexis M., Utah, USA

Speaking to Me

The talks on repentance and the priesthood were amazing, and I felt like they were speaking directly to me. I love general conference.

Michael B., Kentucky, USA

Excited about Family History

Hearing Elder David A. Bednar’s talk on the Spirit of Elijah and how we youth know how to use technology got me all excited about family history work. I already had an LDS Account set up from a Young Women activity. After conference my mother and I sat down together at new.familysearch.org and looked to see what information I already had. I found out that someone had sent in a lot of information about my grandmother’s line, and I was able to link them together. I am so excited to start working on my family history, and I hope to find names that I can do baptisms for in the temple.

Ashley F., Washington, USA

Being a Real Member

Conference is always a real treat. Listening to our Church leaders left me spiritually satisfied. I especially enjoyed Brother Matthew O. Richardson’s talk about being a real member of the Church. I think it was a pertinent message. So often we forget to ponder our real duty as a witness of God or as a family member. Are we always trying to be like Christ? Are we truly striving for eternal blessings?

Andie W., Utah, USA

Illustration by James Steinberg
