Beauty All Around
August 2012

“Beauty All Around,” New Era, Aug. 2012, 6–9

Beauty All Around

Enjoy eight photos from readers that celebrate the wonder and joy of life.

Photography is the art of painting with light. With just the simplest point-and-click device, we can use photographs to help us see the world with a new perspective and remind us of Heavenly Father’s love. The camera also captures images of people, times, and places that remind us of special events in our lives, helping memories to remain bright. Come see some of the pictures that New Era readers have shared with us. They show that there is beauty in the small and simple creations as well as the spectacular.


Photograph by Kaisha Beatty

“These elders, Elder Clites and Elder Excell, were doing the Lord’s work on their preparation day in Minas Gerais, Brazil. These young men were truly loved by members and nonmembers because of their dedication, responsibility, enthusiasm, and great character. They taught me the gospel, and I became a member of the Church. We should be willing to be the one who can make a difference in someone’s life.”

Marcelo C., Brazil

“I am one of a group of students who takes an annual trip to the Washington D.C. Temple every October. While I’m at the temple, the world disappears and the Spirit is there. There is peace and a wonderful, clarifying calm. I can think, study, pray, and relax there with much more effectiveness than in my busy, everyday life. Afterward, I also make sure to spend some time recording my appreciation of beauty through photography. These photographs are reminders to me of my eternal goal to enter the temple worthily.”

Jasmin J., Virginia, USA

“The day I took this picture was one of the best days of our vacation because we were able to just play around and be together as a family.”

Dayna W., Utah, USA

“When I took this picture of the Sacred Grove, I felt peacefulness around me and the rays of sunlight filtering through the canopy of leaves above. The hymn “Joseph Smith’s First Prayer” [Hymns, no. 26] came to mind, and it was as if the birds were testifying of what had occurred in this sacred place.”

Naomi S., Texas, USA

“This is a picture I took of my brother entering the Columbia River Washington Temple. This was on our way in to be sealed as a family in the temple. It now hangs on our wall, with the words added.”

Collin H., Washington, USA

“My family and I went to the Redwood Forest. It was amazing. The contrast between my little brother standing in front of a giant tree makes me think about how incredible and unique the Lord’s creations are.”

Breanna L. D., Utah, USA

“A warm glow began to pour through my window and slowly started to fill the room with light from outside. The June sky was bursting with vibrant color, and the sweet aroma of lilac blossoms floated in the peaceful air. I was reminded of how glorious God’s creations are and of the love He has for each of His children. Though sunsets fade and the colors dim, God’s love for us will always remain bright.”

Tmera B., Utah, USA
