Blessings of Prayer
January 2013

“Blessings of Prayer,” New Era, Jan. 2013, 4–5

Blessings of Prayer

Heavenly Father promises great blessings to those who pray.

young woman praying

Photo illustration by Leslie Nilsson

As you probably know, we are blessed if we keep the commandments (see D&C 130:20–21). After all, the Lord gives us instruction so that we can have joy. But what does it mean to be blessed? Sometimes we may think of blessings in such general, vague terms that they lose part of their significance. But every commandment brings you specific blessings when you live it.

For example, have you thought about the blessings Heavenly Father sends you when you pray? If you search the scriptures, you might be surprised at how many blessings are waiting for you because you pray! Just look up “Prayer, Pray” in the Topical Guide.

To the right you’ll see some of the blessings promised to you if you’re diligent in prayer, as well as the scriptures where you can read more about them.

So, the next time you hear someone say that you’ll be blessed for keeping the commandment to pray always (see 3 Nephi 18:15, 18; D&C 61:39), remember that it’s more than just a phrase. Heavenly Father has specific blessings set aside for His faithful children, and often, we simply need to ask for them and live worthy of them.


Blessings for your family

Ability to overcome temptation

Confidence to enter God’s presence

Actions that are consecrated

Strength—that ye faint not


Guidance and revelation through the Holy Ghost

