Church History Then and Now
March 2013

“Church History Then and Now,” New Era, Mar. 2013, 34–36

Church History Then and Now

three youth

Recent changes in the missionary age requirements and the new Sunday learning experience for youth remind us that Church history is always evolving—with your membership and experience being a special part. See how the Church has grown over the years, and look forward to how it will change during your lifetime. You can play an important part in it as you prepare to serve God and His Kingdom.

Temples Built throughout the World*

Your Part: As temples continue to be built throughout the world, think about how you can participate in temple work. Talk with your family about the possibility of attending the temple to do baptisms for the dead. You can participate in FamilySearch to find ancestors who may not yet have received their saving ordinances in the temple. And always live worthy of a temple recommend.

temples infographic

Number of Stakes since 1830*

Your Part: As you can see, the Church is growing faster than ever before. Read Elder M. Russell Ballard’s quote below, and then think about the special gifts you have been given and can keep developing to help the Church reach individuals throughout the world. You will have many opportunities as “you are true and faithful to the doctrine and gospel of Christ,” says Elder Ballard. Consider writing in your journal or talking with your family about the decisions you will make in your youth and how you are preparing now to be worthy to serve the Lord in Church callings and other opportunities in the future.

stakes infographic

Church Membership since 1830*

Your Part: Think about what you can do to share the gospel today. Consider praying for opportunities to be a missionary in your youth. Young men, prepare now to be a full-time missionary.

membership infographic
  • Numbers reflect the statistics as of December 31 of each year listed.

  • The Kirtland Temple was dedicated in 1836 but had to be abandoned when the Saints moved west. It was no longer in use in 1840.

  • The Nauvoo Temple was dedicated in 1846 but had to be abandoned when the Saints moved west. It was no longer in use in 1850. It was later burned by fire and then rebuilt and dedicated in 2002.
