Come, Follow Me
June 2013

“Come, Follow Me,” New Era, June 2013, 28

Come, Follow Me

The Priesthood in Action

ministering card

This month, your Sunday lessons will focus on the priesthood and priesthood keys (see lds.org/youth/learn). One of the Sunday School questions is “How Can I Use Stories to Teach Others about the Priesthood?” As you look for stories to share, consider Young Men general president David L. Beck’s address “Your Sacred Duty to Minister.” In it, he shares stories of two young men fulfilling their priesthood role to minister to others:

  • A starting quarterback helps a young woman being bullied at school.

  • A new deacon in India is the only active member of his quorum and so he helps bring all of his other quorum members back into Church activity.

Read more from Brother Beck about the role of the priesthood in ministering to others at lds.org/go/63A.

“Everyone you know could be blessed in some way by your ministering. The Lord is counting on you to reach out to them.”

David L. Beck, Young Men general president, “Your Sacred Duty to Minister,” April 2013 general conference

Come, Follow Me cards

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The Priesthood—A Gift to All

There’s a common misconception that the power of the priesthood is only for men. In “‘This Is My Work and Glory,’” Elder M. Russell Ballard teaches that the priesthood is given to bless everyone—men, women, and children:

“The power of the priesthood is a sacred and essential gift of God. It is different from priesthood authority, which is the authorization to act in God’s name. … Heavenly Father has provided a way for all of His sons and His daughters to have access to the blessings of and be strengthened by the power of the priesthood.”

This month, think about how your life has been blessed by the priesthood, how you are living to be worthy to partake of the fullest blessings of the priesthood—temple covenants—and, for young men, how you can better serve in the priesthood.

Read more from Elder Ballard’s address at lds.org/go/63B.

“The primary purpose of this priesthood power is to bless, sanctify, and purify us so we can live together with our families in the presence of our Heavenly Parents.”

Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “This Is My Work and Glory,” April 2013 general conference

priesthood power card
