We’ve Got Mail
July 2013

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, July 2013, 45

We’ve Got Mail

Importance of Modesty (from youth.lds.org)

I love this article! [See “Dress and Appearance: ‘Let the Holy Spirit Guide’” at lds.org/go/73Dress.] Modesty in dress and appearance is so important for us and to Heavenly Father. I believe everyone is happier and more comfortable when we dress in a way that shows respect for our bodies, our temples. I love the quote that was mentioned, “Through your dress and appearance, you can show the Lord that you know how precious your body is. You can show that you are a disciple of Jesus Christ and that you love Him.” I know our bodies are temples and are sacred and special—we were created in the image of God! We need to make sure others can tell that we respect our bodies and that we know we are children of God by how we look on the outside and how we present ourselves. Thanks for this awesome article!

Sarah Alisyn R., 15, Arizona, USA

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