Why We Love Being LDS
June 2014

“Why We Love Being LDS,” New Era, June 2014, 24–25

Why We Love Being LDS

If someone asked you why you think being a Latter-day Saint youth is awesome, how would you respond? Here’s what several teens had to say.


Photographs courtesy of the youth and by Church Publishing Services

Good Feelings

Dustin B.: I get to feel the Spirit a lot.

Stetson S.: There’s so much to look forward to and so much hope that the gospel brings into our lives.

Parker J.: With the gospel, you feel a lot of joy. You’re just happy and you feel like this is the place where you need to be.

Bryce B.: I’m happy all the time.


David L.: There’s such a good group of friends, and I know I’m not going to be exposed to anything I’m not going to be comfortable around.

Don J.: The ward provides a great support system.

Dylan N.: I have so many friends I’ve met through the ward.

Kylee W.: So many other people have the same high standards as you, and you can all be friends and enjoy the Church and the gospel and what it teaches you.

Sam A.: I think it’s really neat that wherever I go in the world, I can find a Latter-day Saint Church building and I can make friends. I can be comfortable around them because they all share the same standards as I do.


Conner L.: I know that I can turn to the gospel to be my light and that I can avoid many of the struggles that some of my friends are going through.

Sarah B.: Because I know I’m a daughter of God, I’m not as affected by what other people think of me.

Dalton T. I really love that we know where we’re going—that everything doesn’t just end at death. There is life after death, and we’ll be able to see our loved ones again.

Kolt C.: Knowing that your families can be together forever just makes life so much easier to go through.

Erin P.: Whenever I have a trial or a hardship, I know it’s sent to me for a reason and it’s meant for me to become stronger.


Taylor P. We have all these experiences like Young Women camp and youth conference where you get to learn a lot and build your testimony.

Cameron O.: Our dances are awesome because instead of pairing off like at other dances, everyone just enjoys it together. We’re friends and we respect each other, so we have more fun because we can be goofy.


Tommy D.: We get to prepare and pass the sacrament and participate in that amazing ordinance.

Ethan C.: We can be an example to our friends.

Ashlin E.: I think it’s cool because you get to be unique and different. I get to be an example for people and share the gospel with my friends. NE
