The Plan of Salvation
July 2015

“The Plan of Salvation,” New Era, July 2015, 22–23

The Plan of Salvation

In the most recent general conference, Church leaders taught us that the plan of happiness is a plan for families.

Premortal Life

We existed as individuals. We were members of Heavenly Father’s family, and He wanted us to have the opportunity to become like Him.

We chose to follow Heavenly Father’s plan to become like Him, and we accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior.

Spirit Birth

Grand Council

War in Heaven

Earth Life

We receive a body and are tested. The test of obedience to our Father includes how we treat our brothers and sisters and how we use the powers given to us, including the godly power a man and a woman have to create life and raise and teach children in families.

Priesthood Ordination

Light of Christ


Repentance through the Atonement of Jesus Christ



Holy Ghost

Temple Endowment

Temple Sealing

Enduring to the End

Mortal Birth


We will be judged according to our works, including our conduct with regard to our families.

Those who have entered into covenants and are worthy will inherit eternal life in the celestial kingdom. In this way, many of God’s family will be united with Him eternally and will be able to receive all that He has and become like Him.

Spirit World



Telestial Kingdom

Terrestrial Kingdom

Celestial Kingdom
