undefined undefined As a 14-year-old teacher, what can I really contribute to home teaching?
As a 14-year-old teacher, what can I really contribute to home teaching?
July 2015

“As a 14-year-old teacher, what can I really contribute to home teaching?” New Era, July 2015, 41

As a 14-year-old teacher, what can I really contribute to home teaching?

home teachers

Photo illustration by Craig Dimond and Nathan Gines

According to the scriptures, the purpose of home teachers is to “visit the house of each member, exhorting them to pray vocally and in secret and attend to all family duties” (D&C 20:51). Home teachers are to “watch over … and be with and strengthen” the people they are assigned to teach (D&C 20:53). They “warn, expound, exhort, and teach, and invite all to come unto Christ” (D&C 20:59).

Now ask yourself, “Can I do those things?” The answer is yes. Ask your companion how you can contribute. He can help you learn to make appointments, bear testimony, give lessons, and more. Then you can see for yourself how you can bless the lives of those you visit, and you’ll feel confident about using the gifts God has given you to fulfill this and many other priesthood duties throughout your life.