Thankful but Uncertain
May 2016

“Thankful but Uncertain,” New Era, May 2016, 47

Thankful but Uncertain

Alyssa N., as told to Colleen H., Pennsylvania, USA


I had filled out a lot of job applications before I finally received a part-time offer at a restaurant. I was filled with gratitude for the job offer, yet for some reason, I began to feel uneasy about the job. As the time drew closer for me to start work, the feeling of uneasiness persisted. I decided to pray about the situation and include the Lord in my decision.

After I prayed, I felt that I shouldn’t accept the job. I wondered why I would be blessed with a job offer and then prompted by the Holy Ghost not to take it. I prayed multiple times to know what I was supposed to do. Each time I prayed about it, the same feeling continued to surface, stronger than ever.

Finally, I decided to contact the restaurant manager and explain that I wouldn’t be working there after all. Telling the manager my decision was very difficult because I still didn’t have a job and needed one, but I felt peace.

A few days later, I found out about another job. I applied for this job and was offered the part-time job not only for the remainder of the school year but also for the summer. If I had taken the first job at the restaurant, I wouldn’t have found out about this better opportunity. Choosing to include the Lord in my employment decisions and following spiritual promptings taught me valuable lessons and paid off in more ways than one.
