Mom’s Many Jobs
May 2016

“Mom’s Many Jobs,” New Era, May 2016, 30–31

Mom’s Many Jobs

How many job titles does your mom have?

Mom’s many jobs

Illustrations by Josh Talbot

What exactly is your mom doing while you’re at school or at work or with friends? Working as a mechanical engineer or a humanitarian or an accountant? Maybe all of the above! Of course, not every home is the same, but take a peek into the secret life of your mom. Some of her daily jobs might surprise you.


Moms are expert physicians, for most everyday things at least. Of course, Mom knows when you need professional care, but for the occasional cold, cough, or cut, she is the person to see. Want a great medical reference when you get older? Write down some of her best medical advice and keep it handy. You might be surprised how often you use it.


Every mom and dad runs a small business. You call it “home,” and it involves a lot of financial responsibilities. That means managing the monthly budget, paying bills each week, and making sure there’s enough for groceries. Mom’s probably got great advice to get you started on managing your own finances.


Mom can cook some of your favorite recipes—the best desserts and, of course, the more healthy options. Ask her if she can teach you how to cook your favorite meal. Then, surprise her by making dinner one day. It’s a great way to learn a new skill, and (bonus!) you get to be in charge of choosing the meal for that night.


Maybe Mom works outside of the house. Maybe she recently went back to school to finish her degree. Maybe she is helping a friend through a hard time or spending a lot of time on her Church calling. She could even be volunteering with the PTA at your little sister’s elementary school or helping out at your high school as one of the band boosters. If Mom seems stressed or burned out, maybe offer to watch your siblings for a while today so that she can get some much needed me-time.

Mechanical Engineer

Whether it’s fixing a broken doorknob, changing a flat tire, or maybe just putting the pull string back on that old ceiling fan, Mom knows how to fix everything! Well, most things, anyway. Ask your mom to teach you how to sew on a button, and then help fix your brother’s shirts. Or simply change the lightbulb in your bedroom that went out two days ago. Any small act can make a big difference.


Mom is your #1 cheerleader, head coach, and let’s-go-eat-ice-cream-to-feel-better friend. She knows when to push you to be better and when to tell you how amazing you are. This week, really listen to her coaching. You may be surprised by what she’s telling you.

Detective/Search Engine

What’s better than any online search engine? Mom, of course! She has answers to most of life’s questions, from how to handle the awkwardness of a first date to where to find your socks. Sometime over the next few days, see if you can help her find something she likes—a new song from her favorite artist or maybe a fun new necklace. These can really brighten her day.


Need to get to school or to basketball practice or to trumpet lessons? Mom’s got your back! But sometimes driving back and forth to all those different events each day can get pretty tiring, especially if she’s also driving your siblings everywhere they need to go. If you have your license, you could really help her out today by driving your siblings to different events.


From how to tie our shoes to how to read, Mom has taught us many valuable lessons over the years. Maybe ask her to help you learn a new skill this year. Who knows? She might be super excited to finally get to teach you how to use power tools. Vroom!
