5. Oh, So Inspired!
May 2018

“5. Oh, So Inspired!” New Era, May 2018

5. Oh, So Inspired!

Oh, So Inspired!

We asked and you responded. Thank you for sharing your general conference notes with us! Now’s your chance to keep reviewing the things you felt and wrote over the next six months. And check out the new My Conference Experience series on youth.lds.org for more awesome testimonies from you!

“We are children of God.”

Kelby J., 15, Utah, USA

Receiving personal revelation:

1.Find a quiet place

2.Pour out your heart

3.Listen to the Spirit

4.Record your feelings

5.Take action

Jolie F., 17, Mississippi, USA

“Soy Mormona y soy inmensamente feliz!”

Isidora O., 18, Valparaíso, Chile

“True disciples love others.”

Ammon M., 12, Idaho, USA

“No temptation can make us as happy as the Atonement of Christ.”

Arielle S., 18, Texas, USA

“The Savior loves me and knows me by name.”

Leah P., 16, Alberta, Canada

“The Savior is right here beside us, always!”

Brigham P., 14, New York, USA

“There is Peace in Christ.”

Brooklyn F., 12, Idaho, USA

“The words of the prophets are true!”

Sophia S., 15, Utah, USA

Finding Inspiration for Your “One More Day”

Elder Taylor G. Godoy said:

“May we enjoy the peace and rejoicing that the sacrifice of the Only Begotten offers us. …

“It is my prayer that we follow Him, that we believe Him, that we love Him.”
