“Fun Stop,” New Era, Oct. 2018, 40–41.
Fun Stop
The Extra Smile
Doctrine and Covenants 45:26 says that in the last days “men’s hearts shall fail them.”
Then it is a good thing the prophet is a heart surgeon!
Arie Van De Graaff
Ooh! I like this verse!
Scripture marking technology has a long way to go!
Kevin Beckstrom
Well, now we know for sure. … Dribbling the ball beforehand doesn’t help to roll a strike.
Val Chadwick Bagley
Facts and Fun
Facts and Fun
See how well you know the members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Match the following details with each person.
Russell M. Nelson
Dallin H. Oaks
Henry B. Eyring
M. Russell Ballard
Jeffrey R. Holland
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
David A. Bednar
Quentin L. Cook
D. Todd Christofferson
Neil L. Andersen
Ronald A. Rasband
Gary E. Stevenson
Dale G. Renlund
Gerrit W. Gong
Ulisses Soares
He first became friends with his wife in junior high school, when they were both student body officers.
His first job of sweeping out a radio repair shop led to him becoming a radio transmitter engineer as well as a radio announcer.
A salesman by profession, he now likes to joke with his wife that getting her to agree to marry him is “the greatest sales job I ever did.”
He loves hiking, backpacking, and travel and has been to all seven continents.
As a young boy living in New Jersey, he attended the Church meetings of their small branch in the living room of his own home.
As a teenager, after praying in the Sacred Grove for a confirmation of the truthfulness of the gospel and receiving no answer, he was filled with disappointment. When a powerful witness came a month later while he was reading the Book of Mormon, he realized, “We can’t dictate to God when, where, or how He will speak to us.”
He occasionally gave his future mother-in-law rides to Church activities on the handlebars of his bicycle. Of this practice he would later say, “It doesn’t hurt at all to be on good terms with the mother of the girl of your dreams.”
The prospect of having to learn Japanese for his mission gave him anxiety, but after six weeks in the MTC and with lots of prayer and hard work, he felt peace that he would learn the language. He ultimately lived nine years in Asia.
A gourmet cook by hobby, he once made a pizza for Elder Dale G. Renlund that was the best Elder Renlund ever tasted.
He left behind forever his career of being a heart doctor when he was called as a General Authority (hint: not President Nelson).
After serving a mission in Germany, he baptized his father into the Church.
A convert from less-active parents, he was baptized at age 16 with the rest of his siblings. His parents later returned to activity.
He grew up on a dairy farm and learned to work hard, including the chore of milking cows on Christmas morning before opening presents.
Initially disappointed at the location of his call to the Eastern States Mission (headquartered in New York City, USA), he knelt by his bed, prayed, and opened his scriptures. After reading about a door being opened “in this eastern land” in Doctrine and Covenants 100:3, he felt the Holy Ghost confirm that this is exactly where he needed to go.
As a young man, he once ran from one end of St. George to the other in 15 minutes to make it home by curfew.
Balancing Act
Why couldn’t the missionary’s bicycle stand up on its own?
To solve, first unscramble the mixed-up letters and write them in the spaces beneath each word. Then unscramble the letters from the two sets (circles and triangles) to find the answer.
After Preparation Come the Blessings
These twin brothers have decided it’s the last year they can go trick-or-treating with their little sister. They want to make sure she gets the maximum possible candy haul. Which proposed path will take them by the most homes?
Facts and Fun
1 L; 2 B; 3 E; 4 C; 5 O; 6 G; 7 K; 8 A; 9 F; 10 M; 11 N; 12 H; 13 J; 14 D; 15 I
Balancing Act
“two tired”
After Preparation Come the Blessings
Route A reaches the most homes.