How can I invite the Spirit into my home when people are fighting or arguing?
October 2018

“Q&A,” New Era, Oct. 2018, 28–29.


“How can I invite the Spirit into my home when people are fighting or arguing?”

young man looking out window

Photograph from Getty Images

Say You’re Sorry

When I’ve had an argument, I have found that saying you are sorry and admitting that you are wrong, even if you think or know that you’re right, helps bring peace back in the room. Then walk away, stay silent, change the topic, or find something to agree about. It doesn’t take long for the Spirit to come back.

Dylan M., 15, California, USA

Just Love

I’ve found that showing pure love to my family invites the Spirit to reside in our home. The prophet spoke of love as the catalyst that causes change and the balm that brings healing to the soul. A spirit of love brings safety and peace in the home.

Joseph C., 18, Arizona, USA

Talk to Your Family

If your family are not members of the Church, tell them how bad you feel when they argue and ask them to improve. If that does not work, pray and try again. If they are members, remind them that they are children of God and that they should avoid quarrels.

Carolina S., 19, Goiás, Brazil

Pray for the Spirit

Whenever family around are arguing, it’s difficult to feel the Spirit’s presence, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to feel it if you’re worthy. Say a prayer in your heart for an added measure of the Lord’s Spirit and pay extra attention to the promptings sent. Heavenly Father can help you feel peace and know how best to help bring that peace into your home.

Katie G., 17, Utah, USA

Try to Compromise

Talk with your family to solve the problem in a way that everyone benefits, or share a scripture or sing a hymn. You can also ask Heavenly Father for help to solve the problem. In this way, everyone will calm down and be able to solve the problem without shouting or violence. Surely the Holy Spirit will fill you all with peace and give everyone the desire not to fight again.

Luis F., 14, Playa del Carmen, Mexico
