February 2019

“@LDSYouth,” New Era, Feb. 2019, 38–39.


young woman

I really like living in Maine, especially in the fall. I like drawing, writing, and reading. You can’t punish me by sending me to my room, because I’m there all the time!

In December of 2017 I was diagnosed with depression. I’m seeing a therapist, and I take medication for it. At first I didn’t want anyone to know I was depressed. I thought that I was just sad and that I would get over it on my own. Since my mom found out I wasn’t OK, I have been getting the help and support I need.

Music has also really helped me. When I’m feeling down, I listen to music. One of the bands I like has a lead singer who deals with depression. Their songs are written to help their fans get through depression and other hard things. The hymn “I Stand All Amazed” has also helped me. It reminds me that there is someone out there that loves me, that I’m not alone, and that Jesus died for me. Music has a different and deeper meaning than words on their own.

If you are feeling depressed, talk to an adult you trust. You are not alone—you really aren’t.

Angelina O., 14, Maine, USA

young woman

I like to dance, make crafts, and play with my little sister Lilly. When I was two, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Every year on the anniversary of my diagnosis, I do service. Last year, my family and I donated stuffed animals and gave a letter of encouragement to the children at the hospital where I was diagnosed. I felt so happy to do something nice for someone experiencing a sad time. I am thankful for the example of Jesus Christ to love and serve others.

Sariah B., 13, Minnesota, USA

young man

I am almost always at the piano—music is one of my favorite things. I love to go outside to run, hike, swim, anything. I also run a Latter-day-Saint-oriented Instagram account. I’ve learned to respect social media and use it for what it should be—uplifting one another! It can be hard to make friends. However, I’ve gained a lot of confidence from the example of Jesus Christ. I know that as I’ve tried to be like Him, I’ve gained many true friends.

Noah R., 17, Florida, USA
