What Youth Think about the Rome Italy Temple
March 2019

“What Youth Think about the Rome Italy Temple,” New Era, Mar. 2019, 17, 19.

What Youth Think about the Rome Italy Temple

young man

My first experience in the temple was extraordinary. I traveled with the youth to the Madrid Spain Temple. When I was baptized for my ancestors, I felt the Spirit of God even after we left the baptismal font. I will never forget those precious memories.

Dani F., 17, Ilfov, Romania

young woman

When I think of the temple I feel happy, and I am happy to be worthy to enter. Going to the temple helps us to get closer to Heavenly Father.

Valentina R., 16, Lazio, Italy

young man

I live on an island in the sea southwest of Italy. I feel blessed and happy because there is a temple close to Malta! Now I have a better opportunity to enter the house of the Lord and to perform baptisms for the dead, especially for members of my own family.

Khaniel P., 12, Malta

young woman

I am excited to know that there is a new temple near my country. I have never been to the temple, but I know it’s an honor to receive blessings there. I’m excited to visit the Rome Italy Temple and feel the Spirit there.

Daisy D., 19, Larnaca, Cyprus

young man

I’ve only been to the temple once in my life. It was two years ago in the temple in Switzerland. I remember the beautiful feelings of peace and joy I had there. I cannot wait to go to the temple in Rome so I can feel those wonderful feelings again.

Gabriele G., 14, Lazio, Italy

young woman

In the temple, we can be sealed as couples, as families, and with ancestors who have passed on. For me, the greatest blessing I can imagine is that our family relationships can continue for eternity.

Jonida Q., 17, Korçë, Albania

young woman

The purpose of the temple is to bring people closer to Heavenly Father. Because of temples, we can help gather His children to Him.

Diana D., 17, Ilfov, Romania

young man

I feel very blessed by the Lord for giving us the opportunity to make covenants for ourselves and for the dead. In this way, we do a wonderful service.

Lorenzo M., 16, Sicily, Italy

young woman

Preparing to go to the temple always helps me to re-center my life around Christ. It makes me step back from my busy life and focus my thoughts on our Savior.

Lizzie T., 17, Attica, Greece

young woman

It is a huge blessing to have a temple in Rome, because it will be easier and cheaper to attend the temple, and people here in Kosovo will be able to go and do more temple work.

Fuada F., 17, Gjakova, Kosovo

young man

When you first go to the temple, you feel like this is such a special place with wonderful energy everywhere. I am really excited to have a temple in Rome, because it means the Church is growing in this part of the world, including the Western Balkans, where I live.

Luca M., 13, Durrës, Albania

young woman

It is a privilege to enter the temple and feel closer to the Father. I am also grateful for the opportunity I have to serve the dead. Having a temple in Rome is a blessing. But it is also a great responsibility, so I will work to respect it.

Donatella L., 15, Lazio, Italy

I feel blessed and grateful to have a temple in Rome. The temple helps me to prepare myself to come back to my Heavenly Father. When I enter the temple, I can feel an endless peace and serenity.

Emily C., 13, Lazio, Italy

I believe that many people will be converted thanks to the Rome temple. Since it is not far from my house; I will attend it more often, and for sure my life will improve.

Gaia C., 13, Lazio, Italy

Even though each temple may look different, every temple is my Heavenly Father’s house. Nothing can make me happier than feeling the Spirit and feeling peace and happiness in my heart when I’m in His house.

Giulia D., 15, Abruzzo, Italy

Having a temple in Rome is important, because the temple is the house of the Lord. It is the most sacred place you can be.

Enos C., 15, Lazio, Italy

Temples are my favorite place in the whole universe! Nowhere have I ever felt so safe and at peace. I feel full of joy that there is now a temple in Italy!

Pamela C., 17, Lazio, Italy

Temples are the greatest thing on earth, because they are the houses of God. When we go there we can feel Heavenly Father’s and Jesus Christ’s presence. We feel like They are really near to us in the temple.

Ermelinda T., 15, Korçë, Albania

I believe that going to the temple changes us spiritually forever. I know that every time I go to the temple, I will be loved and welcomed.

Evelina D., 19, Ilfov, Romania

We spend our lives serving Heavenly Father, and having a temple in Rome will be a great opportunity to serve Him more often, in His house. To be able to go to the temple and prepare to someday live with Him, that will be the most beautiful day of all my life.

Rei M., 17, Korçë, Albania

The feeling of the presence of the temple in our lives grows as we go to the temple more and more often. I love to go to the temple so that those in the spirit world can receive the blessings of ordinances they did not receive in this life.

Eriseld D., 19, Tirana, Albania

Having a temple in Rome is significant because it shows that the kingdom of God is spreading over the whole world and is reaching many people who want to receive the blessings that can be received only in the temple.

Jona C., 18, Shkodër, Albania

Going to the temple helps me prepare to return to my Heavenly Father. There I can receive the strength that will enable me to live the gospel, and in the temple I will also receive the necessary ordinances for my salvation.

Lume C., 16, Shkodër, Albania

I believe temples are the most sacred and important places on earth. Attending the house of the Lord helps us to follow His example. It helps us keep the Spirit and reminds us that the Lord is helping us and blessing us.

Jair C., 14, Lazio, Italy

In the house of the Lord I feel peace. I feel close to my Heavenly Father and my Savior. It is also where I can serve not only with people on earth, but on behalf of those in the spirit world.

Sara L., 16, Tiranë, Albania

Now that the temple is nearby, it will be more accessible. We might even go once a week instead of once a year. In order to go, I may need to decline some hanging out with friends, maybe some birthday parties, or simply relaxing. But attending the temple will help me feel the Spirit and the love that Heavenly Father has for me.

Andrea G., 12, Lazio, Italy
