April 2019

“Jerusalem,” New Era, Apr. 2019, 6–7.


Where the Savior Spent His Final Days


Illustration by Jim Madsen

When Jesus Christ’s mortal ministry was coming to a close, He returned to Jerusalem. He had visited here as an infant, as a young man, and at various times in His ministry. And He came here one last time to complete His most important mission: to atone for the sins of the world, die, and be resurrected.

Here are some of the places and events from the Savior’s final days in Jerusalem. Other than the temple, Mount of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, and Antonia Fortress, locations shown are best guesses for the places named.

Road to Emmaus

The resurrected Jesus appeared to two of His disciples as they traveled (see Luke 24:13–35).

Herod’s Palace

After being arrested, Jesus was taken before Herod (see Luke 23:7–11).

Upper Room

Jesus and the Twelve ate the Passover meal (the Last Supper). Jesus instituted the sacrament (see Luke 22:7–20).

House of Caiaphas

Jesus was brought before the chief priests, and Peter denied that he knew Jesus (see Matthew 26:57–75).

Garden Tomb

Jesus’s body was laid in a tomb (see John 19:38–42).

Angels opened the tomb (see Matthew 28:2–4).

Women found the tomb empty (see Mark 16:1–4; John 20:1–2); angels proclaimed, “He is risen” (see Matthew 28:5–7), and the women went to tell the disciples (see Luke 24:9–11).

Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene in the garden outside the tomb (see John 20:1–17).


Jesus was crucified

(see Matthew 27:33–37).

Antonia Fortress

Jesus was accused before Pilate, condemned, mocked, and scourged and Barabbas released (see John 18:28–19:16). This fortress was a likely location for these events.


After entering Jerusalem, Jesus cast the moneychangers out of the temple (see Matthew 21:12–16).

During the week, Jesus taught at the temple, including teaching about the two great commandments (see Matthew 22:34–40) and the widow’s mite (see Mark 12:41–44).

When Jesus died, there was an earthquake and the veil of the temple was rent (see Matthew 27:51).

Garden of Gethsemane

Jesus Christ suffered for our sins, pains, and sicknesses (see Alma 7:11–13); then He was betrayed and arrested (see Matthew 26:36–46; Luke 22:39–54).

Mount of Olives

Jesus foretold the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, which Roman armies carried out in 70 A.D. and again in 130 A.D. He also spoke of His Second Coming (see Matthew 24, Joseph Smith—Matthew).

Forty days after His Resurrection, Jesus Christ ascended into heaven (see Acts 1:9–12).

At His Second Coming, the Savior will return here, and the mount will split in two (see Zechariah 14:4; Doctrine and Covenants 45:48).

Road to Bethany

Jesus rode a colt for His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and people laid palm leaves before Him (see Matthew 21:1–11; John 12:12–18). He lodged in Bethany for much of that week (see Matthew 21:17).
