February 2020

“Connect,” New Era, Feb. 2020, 40–41.


young woman

At first I thought seminary would be hard.

I had to change schools, and seminary was early in the morning. I didn’t think it would work because I had a lot of homework and other things going on.

But when I started going to seminary, time just opened up for me. Now, I always have enough time for my homework. And I’m always excited the next day to get up and go back to seminary again. My friends and I support each other and learn a lot while we’re there.

The happiness I feel in seminary is a lot like the happiness I feel when I’m in the temple. Before I turned 11, my siblings and friends had all been to the temple and I hadn’t. When they would go inside, I always waited outside. I kept hoping for the day I would be old enough to go inside myself.

When I was finally old enough to go inside and do baptisms for the dead, I felt a great peace. Even though my family and friends had described to me the feeling of being in the temple, I was so excited that I was able to feel that for myself.

Sophia D., 14, Colombia

young woman

I am the only member of the Church in my school. One thing I love to do is participate in seminary because it helps me remember who I am and what I believe. Because I live the gospel, I have a vision for my future. I know I am a child of God. I like to invite my friends to church and help them see that they are children of God too. I know that through the gospel of Jesus Christ, they can have a brighter future too.

Celeste H., 18, Chile

young woman

I love playing basketball. I also like setting goals for myself and having fun as I try to achieve them. Making goals helps me be a better person and become more like the Savior. One goal I have is to read the scriptures more, even when I come home late from basketball practice. With the new Children and Youth program, I feel more unified in my quorum as we help each other make goals and plan activities that can help us accomplish them.

Mason M., 13, Ohio, USA
