undefined undefined Fun Stop
Fun Stop
April 2020

“Fun Stop,” New Era, Apr. 2020, 24–25.

Fun Stop

Fun Stop-1
Fun Stop-2

The Extra Smile

girl at pulpit

I accidentally threw my talk away while cleaning this week. I’ve learned to not write my talk early and to clean less.

Summer Bird

mother and son with messy room

Hold on. I thought I told you that you couldn’t leave until you took care of your room.

I did take care of it! I registered it as a project on JustServe.org. Volunteers should be here soon.

Arie Van De Graaff


Time to test your song knowledge! The main words in each hymn title have been replaced with their antonyms—words or phrases that mean the opposite. Can you figure out the real titles of these “anton-hymns”?

  1. Low under the Valley Bottom

  2. A Rich Standstill Woman of Joy

  3. Less Wickedness Take You

  4. You’ll Stay Where I Force You to Stay

  5. Gather Darkness

  6. You Sit Underwhelmed

  7. As Brothers Out of Babylon

Easter Egg Life Hack

Want to teach your family a simple trick that’ll leave them breathless with wonder (or at least mildly impressed)? Use a white crayon to write or draw designs on your eggs before dying them. Wherever you draw will stay un-dyed. Cool!

The Wondrous World of Stick-Based Youth Activities

What mood do you most want to capture during your next youth activity?

Life-Alteringly Awesome

Whoa, tall order. Try playing the question game. Take turns handing a stick to someone different in your group. Each handoff, ask a question about their life. Friendships can deepen as you learn more about each other.


Play smiley hide and seek. One person uses a stick to draw a large smiley face in the dirt, and then the rest race to find it.

Board Game-ish

Play hangman or layered tic-tac-toe (see Fun Stop, New Era, Dec. 2019) in the dirt.


Divide into teams. Each team finds a stick about 12 inches long. Run a relay soccer race where each player kicks the team’s stick to an agreed-upon point and back.


Are You Feeling Pioneer-ish

Yes. Hold a “stick pull” contest.

No. Decorate and hide two sticks; then play “capture the stick (flag).”


Want to Work in Teams?

Yes. Play a “Pictionary”-type game of drawing pictures in the dirt with sticks and guessing the drawings.

Want to Work as Individuals?

Yes. Hold a drawing-in-the-dirt art contest on a theme of your choice.



  1. High on the Mountain Top

  2. A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief

  3. More Holiness Give Me

  4. I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go

  5. Scatter Sunshine

  6. I Stand All Amazed

  7. As Sisters in Zion