We Want to Serve!
April 2020

“We Want to Serve!” New Era, Apr. 2020, 24–29.

We Want to Serve!

These youth chose to plan a youth conference that would make a difference for others.

When it came time to plan youth conference, leaders of a stake in northern Utah, USA, asked the youth what they thought would make it memorable.

After some discussion, their answer was simple: “We want to serve!” They decided they wanted to make a difference where they live. They wanted to help the hungry and the homeless, the lonely and the elderly. They also wanted to hold workshops in which professionals could help people struggling with serious issues like suicide and depression.

They adopted the theme, “You Love, You Serve.” And during the three-day youth conference, they did just that.

youth working at food bank

The youth served in a food bank and sorted canned food donations.

Photographs by Richard M. Romney

youth building benches
youth and leader building benches

Along with sorting food, youth also built benches for a homeless shelter.

“Knowing that Jesus Christ served those around Him makes me feel like I’m emulating the Savior,” said Stephen J., 13. “Taking His name upon me, that’s what’s great about being able to serve others—we’re being like Jesus, and that’s who I want to be like the most.”

youth with hygiene kits

For another service project, the youth prepared hygiene kits for a homeless shelter for youth.

youth weeding
youth at service project

Some of the youth spent the afternoon cleaning up trash and weeding gardens in a community park.

“When I went to school in the school next door, this park was totally trashed. It’s been that way for a long time,” said Karlos S., 12. “And now we’re the ones who actually cleaned it up. I’ll always have that feeling that it was amazing to clean something up as we did the work of the Lord.”

“It would have been hard to weed this whole place all by yourself,” said Glenn B., 13. “But when we worked at it together, we got it all done in a couple of hours. Look what we did together. That’s pretty cool.”

youth performing music

The youth wanted to put on a talent show where seniors were the guests of honor.

youth with seniors

In addition to the talent shows, youth also asked seniors what their wishes were. On the night of the talent show, several seniors had their wishes granted. One man simply wanted a pizza. Another wanted Mexican food.

youth running
youth at running event

On the last day of the youth conference, a Superhero 5-K run was held to raise money to help the homeless.

“Serving together got us into different types of groups, and that helped us to get to know new people,” said Rosemary A., 13. “And that’s part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to get to know other people. It’s nice to work side-by-side to help others, to give instead of just always receiving.”

Throughout their conference, the youth learned something marvelous about their theme. “You Love, You Serve” works like a cycle—your love for the Lord causes you to serve others as He would. Then as you serve, your love for Him and for others grows, and so does your desire to serve.
