Searching for Strength in Quarantine
July 2020

“Searching for Strength in Quarantine,” New Era, July 2020, 32–33.

Searching for Strength in Quarantine

This has been a scary time we’re in, but if we can focus on the Savior, we will find peace.

young woman walking down road

I’ve always lived in Germany with my family except for when I was an exchange student in Utah a few years ago, where I was introduced to the Church by my loving host family. I’d never heard about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints before, but during that year in Utah I learned a lot about the gospel and started developing a testimony.

When I came home, I was a little scared about what my parents would say when I told them I wanted to be baptized, but thankfully they supported my decision. I’m the only member in my family, but they’re very respectful of my beliefs. I was glad that I quickly found friends in my new ward and stake here in Germany.

This is a very scary time we’re in right now. Schools are shut down, Church meetings are suspended, and temples are closed. Getting used to this new routine of being in quarantine has been difficult. The load of homework I had seemed unmanageable at first. I’ve been scared about the safety of my extended family members, especially my grandparents. But I’ve had to remember that living on this earth means that we will go through hard things.

After being in quarantine a while, I’ve been able to see some good aspects, like getting to sleep in and make my own schedule. One thing that’s helped me stay positive during quarantine is doing things with my family, even though at first it was hard being with each other all the time and we sometimes had small fights. But now it’s great being all together. My 12-year-old sister and I have tried some cool new recipes and baked lots of cakes and cupcakes together during the last couple of weeks.

I also try to spend a lot of time outside where I can enjoy the beautiful weather and the blossoming flowers. Being outdoors just makes it so much clearer to me that our Heavenly Father and our Savior created this all for us. It helps me feel so much more connected to Them when I am out in nature.

Another thing I’ve done is try to focus on my spiritual well-being by reading my scriptures more often and more thoroughly. It really helps me to not be so sad about the things that are going on but to keep my eternal goal in mind.

Jesus Christ as Good Shepherd with sheep

I Shall not Want by Youngsung Kim

Elder John A. McCune of the Seventy said during this last general conference that the Savior will provide the needed support, comfort, and peace if we come unto Him.1 So if we want Him to hear us and help us, we need to show Him that we trust in Him. We need to open up to Him about our hardships, and He will help us. I believe that everything happens for a reason and that if we trust in Jesus Christ, this experience will only make us stronger.

Since we all have struggles and things can be very hard right now, it is so important to focus on the good things that are happening and also on Jesus Christ. I know that if we focus on the Savior and our relationship with Him, we will feel more peace, happiness, and joy, even in hard times like these.

young woman

The author lives in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
