Rob See also Robber; Robbery; Stealing not defraud thy neighbour, neither rob him, Lev. 19:13. bands of the wicked have robbed me, Ps. 119:61. Rob not the poor, Prov. 22:22. Whoso robbeth his father or his mother, Prov. 28:24. the lot of them that rob us, Isa. 17:14. this is a people robbed and spoiled, Isa. 42:22. Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me, Mal. 3:8 (3 Ne. 24:8). I robbed other churches, taking wages, 2 Cor. 11:8. They rob the poor, 2 Ne. 28:13. neither durst they rob, Alma 1:18 (30:10). he robbed our fathers, Alma 20:13. do ye suppose that mercy can rob justice, Alma 42:25. object of all those who belonged to his band … to rob, Hel. 2:8 (6:17; 3 Ne. 4:5). if a man or woman shall rob … be delivered up unto the law, D&C 42:84.