Robber See also Thief Is this house … become a den of robbers, Jer. 7:11. If he beget a son that is a robber, Ezek. 18:10. robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves, Dan. 11:14. the same is a thief and a robber, John 10:1. Barabbas was a robber, John 18:40. neither robbers of churches, nor yet blasphemers, Acts 19:37. in perils of robbers, 2 Cor. 11:26. cast out from among the people as a thief and a robber, Alma 11:2. called Gadianton’s robbers, Hel. 6:18 (11:26; 3 Ne. 2:11; Morm. 1:18). could not be frightened by the demands … of a robber, 3 Ne. 3:12. There were no robbers, 4 Ne. 1:17. robbers of Gadianton did spread, 4 Ne. 1:46.