“What Church Leaders Are Saying about Healing,” Ensign, October 2020
What Church Leaders Are Saying about Healing
Peace through Christ, by Jen Tolman, may not be copied
The Healing of Broken Hearts
“When sore trials come upon us, it’s time to deepen our faith in God, to work hard, and to serve others. Then He will heal our broken hearts. He will bestow upon us personal peace and comfort. Those great gifts will not be destroyed, even by death.
“The gift of resurrection is the Lord’s consummate act of healing. Thanks to Him, each body will be restored to its proper and perfect frame. Thanks to Him, no condition is hopeless. Thanks to Him, brighter days are ahead, both here and hereafter. Real joy awaits each of us—on the other side of sorrow.
“I testify that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ—the Master Healer.”1
—President Russell M. Nelson, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Seeking Healing in Holy Places
“When we stand in holy places—our righteous homes, our dedicated chapels, the consecrated temples—we feel the Spirit of the Lord with us. We find answers to questions that trouble us or the peace to simply set them aside. That is the Spirit in action. These sacred places in the kingdom of God on earth call for our reverence, our respect for others, our best selves in living the gospel, and our hopes to lay aside our fears and seek the healing power of Jesus Christ through His Atonement.
“There is no room for fear in these holy places of God or in the hearts of His children. Why? Because of love. God loves us—always—and we love Him. Our love of God counters all fears, and His love abounds in holy places.”2—
Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
We Can Be Made Whole
“As you study Christ’s life and teachings in a myriad of ways, your faith in Him will increase. You will come to know that He loves you individually and understands you perfectly. In His 33 years of mortality, He suffered rejection; persecution; bodily hunger, thirst, and fatigue; loneliness; verbal and physical abuse; and finally, an excruciating death at the hands of sinful men. In the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross of Calvary, He felt all of our pains, afflictions, temptations, sicknesses, and infirmities.
“No matter what we have suffered, He is the source of healing. Those who have experienced any manner of abuse, devastating loss, chronic illness or disabling affliction, untrue accusations, vicious persecution, or spiritual damage from sin or misunderstandings can all be made whole by the Redeemer of the world. However, He will not enter without invitation. We must come unto Him and allow Him to work His miracles.”3
—President Jean B. Bingham, Relief Society General President
Suited to Our Individual Needs
“Healing blessings come in many ways, each suited to our individual needs, as known to Him who loves us best. Sometimes a ‘healing’ cures our illness or lifts our burden. But sometimes we are ‘healed’ by being given strength or understanding or patience to bear the burdens placed upon us.”4
—President Dallin H. Oaks, First Counselor in the First Presidency
The Savior Can Heal Our Spirits
“Jesus Christ can heal more than just our physical bodies. He can heal our spirits as well. Throughout scripture we learn how Christ helped those whose spirits were weak and made them whole. As we ponder these experiences, our hope and faith in the Savior’s power to bless our lives increases. Jesus Christ can change our hearts, heal us from the effects of injustice or abuse we may experience, and strengthen our capacity to bear loss and heartache, bringing us peace to help us endure the trials of our lives, healing us emotionally.”5—
Elder Matthew L. Carpenter of the Seventy
Woman, by Jen Tolman, may not be copied
Seeking Help from God and Others
“Black clouds may also form in our lives, which can blind us to God’s light and even cause us to question if that light exists for us anymore. Some of those clouds are of depression, anxiety, and other forms of mental and emotional affliction. They can distort the way we perceive ourselves, others, and even God. They affect women and men of all ages in all corners of the world.
“… When our minds are suffering, it is appropriate to seek help from God, from those around us, and from medical and mental health professionals. …
“I testify to you that ‘thru cloud and sunshine’ the Lord will abide with us, our ‘afflictions [can be] swallowed up in the joy of Christ’ [Alma 31:38], and ‘it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do’ [2 Nephi 25:23].”6
—Sister Reyna I. Aburto, Second Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency
We Are All in Need of Repair
“If you feel small and weak, please simply come unto Christ, who makes weak things strong. …
“… The God of Creation, who breathed life into the universe, surely has the power to breathe life into you. Surely He can make of you the genuine, spiritual being of light and truth you desire to be. …
“But this cannot happen if we hide behind personal, dogmatic, or organizational facades. Such artificial discipleship not only keeps us from seeing ourselves as who we really are, but it also prevents us from truly changing through the miracle of the Savior’s Atonement.
“The Church is not an automobile showroom—a place to put ourselves on display so that others can admire our spirituality, capacity, or prosperity. It is more like a service center, where vehicles in need of repair come for maintenance and rehabilitation.
“And are we not, all of us, in need of repair, maintenance, and rehabilitation?
“We come to church not to hide our problems but to heal them.”7—
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Our Good Samaritan
“The Savior is our Good Samaritan, sent to ‘heal the brokenhearted’ [Luke 4:18]. He comes to us when others pass us by. With compassion, He places His healing balm on our wounds and binds them up. He carries us. He cares for us. He bids us, ‘Come unto me … and I shall heal [you]’ [3 Nephi 18:32].”8
—Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
He Calmed the Waves, by Jen Tolman, may not be copied
Hope and Peace Are Always Available
“Like you, I have witnessed friends and family face challenges caused by:
The death of a loved one.
A bitter divorce.
Perhaps never having the opportunity to marry.
A serious illness or injury.
And even natural disasters, as we have recently witnessed around the world.
“And the list goes on. Although each ‘change’ may be unique to our individual circumstances, there is a common element in the resulting trial or challenge—hope and peace are always available through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The Atonement of Jesus Christ provides the ultimate corrective and healing measures to every wounded body, damaged spirit, and broken heart.”9
—Bishop W. Christopher Waddell, Second Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric