A “Quick Start Guide” to Mortal Life
December 2020

A “Quick Start Guide” to Mortal Life

May we follow the example of the Savior and go about doing good.

person reading scriptures on her phone

Can you remember the last time you got a new phone, computer, or, for that matter, any technical equipment? I love new technology gadgets, even though I am an old man.

They often come with both a comprehensive manual of operation and a “quick start guide.”

Occasionally, trying to understand how to use a new gadget reminds me of our desire to get a deeper understanding of gospel truth and how to apply it in our lives.

Even with the best of intentions about learning every wondrous detail of the redeeming gospel of Jesus Christ, things come up; life happens. And the comprehensive manual that is the words of the prophets gathers dust while we go about our busy days, consumed by the minutiae that drain our time and energy.

Dear friends, there is no substitute for immersing ourselves as seekers of light in the revealed word of God. The words of the prophets are filled with inspired advice, knowledge, light, and mysteries.

But here is a type of “Quick Start Guide to Mortal Life” that will help you to get the confidence and energy to learn while doing and experiencing the fruits of the gospel. Recently I shared with our young adults what such steps could look like:

Step 1: Seek

Seek God, learn of Him, discern His voice, and follow His way. This first step requires humility. There is danger in the philosophy that whatever you think must be true. There is a difference between thoughts that come from your personal experience and that of the divine voice of God speaking through His Holy Spirit. It is the quest of a lifetime to know the difference. The human challenge is receiving revelation, yes, but just as importantly, it is to discern and understand revelation.

Step 2: Love and Serve

Love and serve God. Love and serve His children (see Matthew 22:37–40). The two great commandments—to love God and to love one’s neighbor—are the primary objectives of life, or the center of the target you are aiming for.

As you reach out to the poor—whether that means temporal, social, mental, or spiritual poverty—and impart of time, talents, resources, and love, you will receive rich blessings. By helping, by serving, by loving, you also purify yourselves and retain a remission of your sins (see Mosiah 4:26). As you open the windows of your own compassion toward others, the windows of heaven will open and shower you with God’s choicest blessings.

Step 3: Cherish Joy; Learn from Pain

Cherish moments of joy. Learn from moments of grief and pain. You will experience many moments of emotion throughout your lives, but cherish the moments of joy. You will also experience moments of sadness, despair, grief, and pain. Learn from them too.

Step 4: Be Grateful

“Let thy heart be full of thanks unto God” (Alma 37:37). It seems the greatest souls on earth have a common attribute—they walk in a spirit of gratitude (see Doctrine and Covenants 78:19). To be grateful in any circumstances will help you to gain divine confidence and trust. Being grateful opens your heart and soul and fills them with the gifts of the Spirit.

Be grateful in any circumstances.

Step 5: Be a Gatherer of Light

Be a gatherer of light, and act upon that knowledge. Each of you came to earth to receive a body but also to gather light. You do that through study, prayer, and experience.

But while it is important to learn and study truth, learning by itself cannot save you. Paul warned Timothy about those who are “ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Timothy 3:7).

Rejoicing in learning and truth, by themselves, are inadequate to receive the full experience. May we follow the example of the Savior and go about doing good.
