Experiencing Priesthood Power
March 2021

“Experiencing Priesthood Power,” Liahona, March 2021

Experiencing Priesthood Power

Women who help lead the Church were asked about how the power of the priesthood affects their lives. Here are some of the thoughts they shared.

cut-paper illustration of various flowers

Illustrations by Matisse Hales

“Men and women have different but equally important responsibilities in the home and the Church. Priesthood power can help each person perform those responsibilities for the benefit of all.

“Because God’s priesthood power is on the earth today, great blessings are available to all worthy Church members, whether they are old or young, male or female, single or married.”

—President Joy D. Jones, Primary General President

“Service enlarges our soul, broadens our perspective and allows us to draw upon God’s power in more abundance. The Lord knows this, but so does Satan. In his ever-vigilant attempt to distance us from the power of God, the adversary would overwhelm us or cause us to feel that what we have to offer is inadequate. …

“… Never second guess an act of kindness.

“By intentionally making service to others part of our life, we will discover the mysteries of God. We will discover peace, find strength, and receive an increase of power as we serve our Savior, Jesus Christ.”

—President Bonnie H. Cordon, Young Women General President

“Too often, women compare themselves with others. But none of us feel good in that comparing. Each woman has a unique blend of abilities and talents, and all are God-given gifts. Just because you and I are not the same—or any number of women aren’t the same—doesn’t make us any less or more. We need to find our gifts and develop them, remembering who gave them to us, and then use them for His purposes. As we share our gifts to bless others, we are experiencing the power of the priesthood in our lives.”

—President Jean B. Bingham, Relief Society General President

“Frequently look for opportunities to increase your understanding of the ‘doctrine of the priesthood.’ Each of us will need to seek this understanding for ourselves.

“Studying the scriptures and words of modern prophets will provide a rich foundation for this knowledge to grow. So will obedience to God’s commandments and living true to the covenants we have made through priesthood ordinances. Understanding is given to us ‘line upon line, precept upon precept’ [2 Nephi 28:30]. Through personal revelation, it ‘distills’ upon our souls ‘as the dews from heaven’ [Doctrine and Covenants 121:45].”

—Sister Lisa L. Harkness, First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency

“Each of us is on a trek. … We trek through relationship challenges, financial challenges, and mental and physical health challenges. We trek through overwhelming assignments and our daily list of things to do. Some of us may be trekking through grief, or even loneliness or boredom. Our challenges are different, but we all have them.

“Keeping our covenants does not mean that these challenges will be removed, but it does mean that the Lord promises to be with us.”

—Sister Michelle D. Craig, First Counselor in the Young Women General Presidency

“I envision priesthood power as a single, fine, smooth white thread that comes from God and loops in and out, up and around, seeming to have its own direction in our lives. But over time an intricate pattern is revealed. That design covers the altar of God, the holiest place where we bind on earth and bind in heaven. …

“Whenever I see an altar cloth in the holy temple, I feel it is one of the temple’s most powerful symbols for how the Lord lends His power to His faithful children in order to gather and bind together in an intricate, holy design.”

—Sister Sharon Eubank, First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency

“Through my own life experiences, I know that keeping the Lord’s commandments, having faith, and fully trusting Him are ways we access His priesthood power. …

“… As we remain faithful, we can receive those priesthood powers and blessings in all aspects of our life. It can provide us with protection, comfort, strength, peace, and promises that reach into the eternities. Through that priesthood power, the Holy Ghost also helps me to recall experiences in my life that continue to build my testimony and faith in God.”

—Sister Cristina B. Franco, Second Counselor in the Primary General Presidency

“Years have passed since I received my patriarchal blessing, but I remember the experience vividly. …

“That experience has molded many decisions I’ve made throughout my life. I knew in order to realize those desired blessings, I would have to do my part.

“I now see that there is even more that our Father wants for me to receive, even more than was stated in my patriarchal blessing.”

—Sister Becky Craven, Second Counselor in the Young Women General Presidency

“I joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the age of 26. Even though I had a soothing feeling in my heart as I followed the desire to be blessed by God by making a covenant with Him, I know that my understanding of that covenant was just like a small seed at that time.

“As the years have passed by and as I have been making an effort to keep that baptismal covenant and other covenants I have made with Heavenly Father, I feel that He has blessed me with a deeper understanding about Him, about my Savior, and about my role as a covenant daughter of Heavenly Parents.”

—Sister Reyna I. Aburto, Second Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency

In a video interview with the Church magazines, women share how they access priesthood power in their lives.
